Tag: CEO

Mozilla’s ‘Failed’ Bet on Yahoo Takes Spotlight in Google Trial

Mozilla’s ‘Failed’ Bet on Yahoo Takes Spotlight in Google Trial

[ad_1] Mozilla Foundation's decision to switch the search engine built into its Firefox browser to Yahoo from Google was a “failed” bet that degraded the user experience, the company's chief executive said. Chief Executive Officer Mitchell Baker said Mozilla decided to switch to Yahoo's technology in 2014 after CEO Marissa Mayer took over and promised “to make a big bet on us.”  “That bet failed,” Baker said in a videotaped interview from 2022 played Wednesday in Google's defense during the Justice Department's antitrust trial. “The search experience that Yahoo was providing to Firefox users deteriorated.” The Mozilla example — the only situation in which a browser has switched the default search engine provider — has been cited by both Google and the Justice Department to support the...
Women in Tech Are Forever Cast as ‘Adults’ But Rarely as CEO

Women in Tech Are Forever Cast as ‘Adults’ But Rarely as CEO

[ad_1] In the early years of Facebook, the startup's motto was “move fast and break things.”This was before the Cambridge Analytica scandal, before the platform was used to spread election and COVID-19 vaccine misinformation — essentially before we knew how much potential social media really had to, well, break things. But the problem with breaking things is that you need someone to eventually come along and clean up the mess. Enter Sheryl Sandberg. Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg never hid the fact that he brought on Sandberg as COO to handle “ things I don't want to.” That included figuring out how the company would make money, but also acting as the antidote to his hoodie-wearing, college-dropout persona. Fifteen years Zuckerberg's senior, Sandberg was literally and figuratively the...