Tag: celestial events

Rare conjunction on April 8! Devil Comet to coincide with total solar eclipse, promising a celestial spectacle

Rare conjunction on April 8! Devil Comet to coincide with total solar eclipse, promising a celestial spectacle

[ad_1] In a cosmic ballet set to mesmerise skygazers, Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, fondly dubbed the "Devil Comet," is poised for an extraordinary rendezvous with the Great North American Total Solar Eclipse on April 8. While enthusiasts anticipate the prospect of witnessing this extraordinary alignment, uncertainty shrouds whether the comet will unveil itself to the naked eye amidst the daytime eclipse.The Journey of the "Devil Comet”Dubbed a "dirty snowball" by the late Harvard astronomer Fred Whipple, Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks is currently journeying through our celestial neighbourhood, reaching perihelion- its closest proximity to the Sun- on April 21, likely marking its peak brightness, before making its closest approach to Earth on June 2. Illuminated by the Sun's warmth, Pons-Brooks is pro...
Indian Himalayan Chandra Telescope captures mesmerising Devil Comet in all its glory

Indian Himalayan Chandra Telescope captures mesmerising Devil Comet in all its glory

[ad_1] In an amazing celestial feat, astronomers at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) have snapped a breathtaking image of Comet P12/Pons-Brooks, also known as Devil Comet, using the Himalayan Chandra Telescope (HCT) at the Indian Astronomical Observatory in Hanle, Ladakh. Often referred to as the 'Devil Comet' or likened to the iconic 'Millennium Falcon' due to its distinct appearance, this cosmic wanderer, discovered in 1812, orbits the Sun every 71 years. Recent observations have revealed a surge in its activity, marked by multiple outbursts of gas and dust that have significantly heightened its luminosity.The captured image is a composite of individual exposures employing three different colour filters. The comet's swift movement across the sky results in a displacement of ...
India’s new ILMT telescope achieves milestone with supernova discovery

India’s new ILMT telescope achieves milestone with supernova discovery

[ad_1] The International Liquid Mirror Telescope (ILMT) located at the Devasthal Observatory in Nainital, India, has recently marked a milestone by identifying its inaugural supernova, SN 2023af. This breakthrough, detailed in a November 8 report on the arXiv preprint server, signals the ILMT's potential to unearth numerous supernovae in the years to come. These cosmic events, known for their intense luminosity and stellar explosions, offer valuable insights into the evolution of stars and galaxies, providing astronomers with crucial data.The ILMT telescope, boasting a 4-meter diameter and pointing towards the zenith, focuses on photometric and astrometric direct imaging surveys. Astronomers anticipate that this innovative telescope will prove instrumental in discovering transient pheno...
A cosmic hide and seek: Mars disappears from sight as Sun swallows it

A cosmic hide and seek: Mars disappears from sight as Sun swallows it

[ad_1] In an astronomical twist, Mars is set to vanish from our celestial view for a fortnight, starting this Saturday. The phenomenon responsible for this cosmic disappearance is known as solar conjunction, where the sun acts as a radiant curtain, temporarily veiling Mars and Earth from each other. NASA aptly describes this celestial ballet as akin to dancers obscured by a colossal bonfire.This cosmic rendezvous occurs every two years, creating a celestial gap of approximately 235 million miles between Earth and Mars, compared to their usual 140 million-mile separation. While sky gazers may only notice a fleeting absence, the event holds significant consequences for NASA's interplanetary communication, Space.com reported. Communications BlackoutAs part of precautionary measures, NASA h...
The enigma behind the Geminid Meteor shower unravelled

The enigma behind the Geminid Meteor shower unravelled

[ad_1] Recent findings have shed light on the mysterious origins of the annual Geminid meteor shower. In a NASA blog post on June 14, 2023, Desiree Apodaca from the Goddard Space Flight Center revealed intriguing insights suggesting that a high-speed collision or a gaseous explosion could be responsible for creating the Geminid meteor stream.Unlike other meteor showers such as the Delta Aquariids or the Perseids, which are caused by debris from icy comets orbiting the sun, the Geminid meteors have a different source.For several decades, scientists have known that the parent body of the Geminids is not a fragile comet but a solid asteroid named 3200 Phaethon, as EarthSky reported. The behavior of Phaethon is peculiar. While most asteroids do not exhibit such characteristics, Phaethon, as...
Treat eclipses as natural celestial events : Astrophysicist

Treat eclipses as natural celestial events : Astrophysicist

[ad_1] An eminent astrophysicist has called for treating eclipses as natural celestial events and not believe in superstitions surrounding these. An eminent astrophysicist has called for treating eclipses as natural celestial events and not believe in superstitions surrounding these. Different parts of India and the world are set to witness a total lunar eclipse on Tuesday, just a fortnight after a partial solar eclipse. Astrophysicist Debi Prasad Duari said it is unfortunate that people give credence to superstitions related to such natural celestial events despite the immense developments in space science and technology in the 21st century. "People should not believe in this sort of things and go ahead and treat it as just a natural celestial event," he said. Duari, a fellow of...