Tag: cassini

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 18 June 2023: Mysterious clouds over Saturn

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 18 June 2023: Mysterious clouds over Saturn

[ad_1] On Earth, storms are a common occurrence, often taking the form of spirals or circular patterns. Can they also take a hexagonal shape? Well, that is something exclusive to Saturn! The distinctive hexagon-shaped cloud patterns observed on Saturn's North Pole remain a unique and intriguing phenomenon within our solar system.NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day for June 18 is hexagon clouds over Saturn! The formation of a hexagon on Saturn's clouds is a fascinating mystery. This peculiar phenomenon was initially observed during the Voyager missions in the 1980s, and to this day, it remains unique within our Solar System - a lasting mystery. NASA Astronomy Photo of the Day explanationIn late 2012, the Cassini spacecraft captured the sunlit perspective of the northern region of Saturn. U...
The elusive ET found? Alien-friendly conditions detected on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus

The elusive ET found? Alien-friendly conditions detected on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus

[ad_1] Scientists studying data from the Cassini spacecraft, a probe sent by the US space agency NASA, have made an important discovery on one of Saturn's icy moons. They have found high concentrations of phosphorus, which is crucial for all living processes on Earth.This phosphorus was detected in ice crystals below the surface of Enceladus, Saturn's moon that has an ocean beneath its icy exterior. Finding phosphorus is a significant breakthrough for the possibility of alien life on this moon. Researchers had already found six other chemical elements necessary for all living things: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulphur. The missing piece was phosphorus, and now they have found it. The Cassini spacecraft was the first to orbit Saturn and collected data during its mission from...
Fascinating mystery of Saturn rings solved; Moons that got SMASHED! Tech marvel Cassini reveals all

Fascinating mystery of Saturn rings solved; Moons that got SMASHED! Tech marvel Cassini reveals all

[ad_1] A group of scientists used the data from NASA Cassini spacecraft to solve the mystery behind the origin of the rings of Saturn. We have all grown up watching the unique images of Saturn and its fascinating rings. It is the only planet in the solar system with such elaborate and majestic-looking rings surrounding it. And at some point, we have all wondered how these rings were formed. NASA was no different. That is why in 1997, it launched the tech wonder that is the Cassini spacecraft to take a closer look at this mysterious planet and find out the origin point of Saturn's rings. The spacecraft was fitted with a plethora of instruments like Composite Infrared Spectrometer, Imaging Science Subsystem, Ultraviolet Imaging...