Tag: carb in rice

Does Rice Or Roti For Dinner Make You Fat? Expert Reveals The Truth

Does Rice Or Roti For Dinner Make You Fat? Expert Reveals The Truth

[ad_1] Weight loss is inarguably the most searched topic on the internet, and numerous opinions abound regarding the role of carbohydrate elimination in expediting this process. This phenomenon often leads individuals to forgo rice and roti, especially during dinner, in hopes of sidestepping excess fat accumulation. However, the question persists: Do these quintessential Indian staples genuinely contribute to weight gain? Is it sustainable to entirely eschew rice and roti? This enduring quandary within the realm of health and nutrition has left us ensnared in a web of confusion, oscillating between fact and fiction. But the era of uncertainty ends now. Determined to discern the truth and quash this misconception once and for all, we embarked on an investigation. In this pursuit, we stumb...