Tag: calcium food

Avoiding Dairy? 6 Non-Dairy Dietary Additions For Stronger Bones

Avoiding Dairy? 6 Non-Dairy Dietary Additions For Stronger Bones

[ad_1] Dairy products aren't the only way to strengthen your bones. If you're lactose intolerant or simply prefer non-dairy options, this one's for you! Maintaining robust bones doesn't mean you have to rely solely on milk and cheese. Adopting a non-dairy diet for stronger bones doesn't mean compromising on flavour or variety. With a colourful array of nutrient-rich foods, you can build and maintain bone strength without a drop of milk. Nutritionist Anjali Mukerjee, in a post on her Instagram handle, shared some fantastic alternatives that will provide your body with the essential nutrients it needs for bone health.Also Read: For Better Bone Strength, Include These 7 Fruits And Vegetables In Your Diet Here Are 6 Non-Dairy Dietary Options For Strong Bones: 1. Raw Carrots and Spinach Juice...
Healthy Diet Tips: 6 Nutritionist-Approved Milk Substitutes For Your Daily Calcium Fix

Healthy Diet Tips: 6 Nutritionist-Approved Milk Substitutes For Your Daily Calcium Fix

[ad_1] Milk has been a staple for all since ages. However, over the years, we have seen more and more people eliminating milk (and milk products) from their diet. Ever wondered why? While some have societal and environmental reasons; some are lactose intolerant. Then there are people who claim, drinking milk can have negative effect on our overall health. According to a report by PETA, nowadays, milk is not stored or chilled properly. This may lead to growth of bacteria and can make people fall sick. The organisation further mentions, "Unlike popular belief, cow or buffalo milk is not healthy - it can weaken the bones". How Milk Affects Calcium Content In The Body? Due to contamination: According to research, conducted by the Consumer Guidance Society of India, milk includes high quantit...