Tag: C-suite executives

AI means kids should learn good judgment, not code, Centerview Founder says

AI means kids should learn good judgment, not code, Centerview Founder says

[ad_1] The growth of artificial intelligence means young people should be learning how to think critically and have good judgment, rather than developing coding skills, according to one of New York's top bankers. “I'm not sure, if I was advising my kids, that learning how to be great coders is going to matter in 10 years,” Centerview Partners LLC co-founder Blair Effron said in an interview with Bloomberg TV's David Westin. “What will matter is: Do you have judgment? Do you have an ability to think critically and ask questions that need to be asked?”Effron, known for his role in some of the largest deals in US corporate history, said his investment bank is looking for people who have those types of skills, and it's “less about whether you can make a great model.” That's because AI is li...