Tag: bus sized asteroid

Bus-sized asteroid to pass Earth by a close margin, says NASA; Know speed, size and more

Bus-sized asteroid to pass Earth by a close margin, says NASA; Know speed, size and more

[ad_1] Throughout the first two months of 2024, we have witnessed multiple asteroid approaches to Earth. However, the last few days broke this trend, with no asteroid passing the planet. Normality is expected to resume tomorrow as yet another asteroid has been designated to pass the planet in close proximity. These close approaches occur when an asteroid interacts with a large planet's gravitational field, which can send it tumbling towards a planet, raising a potential impact scenario. With the help of its advanced tech, the US Space Agency has shed light on another asteroid that is set to pass Earth tomorrow, March 7.Asteroid 2024 EH: Details of close approachNASA says this asteroid has been designated as Asteroid 2024 EH by the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), an organiz...
Bus-sized asteroid to pass Earth by a close margin, NASA says; Know details of close encouner

Bus-sized asteroid to pass Earth by a close margin, NASA says; Know details of close encouner

[ad_1] As many as four asteroids passed by Earth yesterday as their orbits brought them dangerously close to the planet. The most notable among them was designated Asteroid 2023 XO1 by NASA, and it was discovered using the space agency's advanced ground and space-based telescopes such as NEOWISE telescope, Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), Pans-STARRS1 and Catalina Sky Survey. With the help of such advanced tech, NASA has discovered yet another asteroid that is expected to pass Earth by a close margin today, December 13. Know the details of this close encounter with Asteroid 2023 XH7.Asteroid 2023 XH7: Close approach detailsAs per the details revealed by NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), Asteroid 2023 XH7 is expected to pass Earth at a distance of j...