Tag: bolt ev

For Chevrolet Bolt, Cheap Is Enough

For Chevrolet Bolt, Cheap Is Enough

[ad_1] She’s nothing fancy, but the most affordable EV on the market is a sales champion. The race for electric vehicle bragging rights may not be decided by superlatives after all. State-spanning battery range, lightning-fast charging and six-figure price tags all fell short in the most recent quarter — at least in terms of sales. Instead, the humble Chevrolet Bolt, an earnest and relatively dated commuter EV, led the growing pack of Tesla-chasers, posting a record 14,709 in US unit sales in the three months ended Sept. 30. In comparison, Ford Motor sold 10,400 of its Mustang Mach-E in that time. Of course, the Bolt has one critical superlative to its credit: It is by far the cheapest EV on offer. “It's essentially giving the people what they want — something affordable,” explai...