Tag: binge eating

7 New Year Resolutions Foodies Make Every Year, But Abandon By January 7th

7 New Year Resolutions Foodies Make Every Year, But Abandon By January 7th

[ad_1] New Year, New Me...healthy me, fit me, perfect me! Right? Every New Year, we whip out our guilty conscience and end up making solemn resolutions to "fix" our lifestyle and habits to get healthier, successful, or achieve our idea of perfect - whether it is following "things successful CEOs do" or "foods top actresses eat." If you plan your calendar around what to eat, when to eat, and where to eat, you might be planning to put an end to your obsession with food (is it even possible?). Here are some of the too sincere and impractical (we didn't say impossible) New Year resolutions around food that are too hard to follow for even a week.7 New Year Resolutions On Food That Can Break Your Heart or You Can Break Them First:1. "I Will Quit All Junk Food or Eat Very Occasionally"Come on, ...
How To Deal With Anxiety? 9 Foods To Manage Anxiety Naturally – Expert Reveals

How To Deal With Anxiety? 9 Foods To Manage Anxiety Naturally – Expert Reveals

[ad_1] Anxiety is a normal response to stress that we experience when, say, we have an interview, a presentation, the first day at school or some competition we are participating in. In today's world. these stressful scenarios are more constant and ever-present, some because of life's demands - best marks, best college, the best job and some because we set unrealistic goals like owning something way beyond our financial or personal capability, peer pressure for something we aren't comfortable doing or simply office politics. When we stress and experience anxiety, it starts affecting our health. It can lead to some serious problems. Anxiety and stress have a negative effect on the physiology of our body and are associated with a number of medical health issues. Stress hormones like cortis...
Overeating? Here’s How To Improve Digestion And Keep Bloating At Bay

Overeating? Here’s How To Improve Digestion And Keep Bloating At Bay

[ad_1] If overeating was an offence, we would all be guilty as charged! Whether it is during festive seasons, weddings or family get-togethers, we have all eaten more than necessary at some point in our lives. We start off with snacks, go onto the main course and by the time we reach desserts - we are truly bursting at the seams. If you have been bingeing endlessly on food and want to improve your digestion, we have just what you need. These diet tips will truly prove helpful after your food binge session. There is no need to worry about bloating or indigestion or feel guilty, simply keep these foods and tips handy and keep digestive issues at bay!Here's How You Can Improve Digestion And Avoid Bloating In Spite Of Overeating:1. Drink Warm WaterIf you have been hogging on food incessantly...