Tag: Big bang galaxy

Extraordinary! James Webb Space Telescope snaps explosive star birth after the Big Bang

Extraordinary! James Webb Space Telescope snaps explosive star birth after the Big Bang

[ad_1] The James Webb Space Telescope, often hailed as a time machine, continues to astound scientists and attract the public with its remarkable discoveries. Recently, astronomers utilised this telescope's cutting-edge technology to observe a distant star-forming galaxy, delving into its intricate structure with unprecedented detail. Discovery of the GalaxyHarnessing the capabilities of NASA's billion-dollar observatory, the James Webb Space Telescope's Orbiter Spacecraft has unveiled the stellar composition of GN20, one of the earliest-known galaxies in the universe. Situated a staggering 12 billion light years away, this captivating discovery represents a luminous and dust-laden star-forming galaxy of extraordinary brilliance. Significance of the GalaxyWhat makes GN20 particularly i...
James Webb Telescope gives a peek into ‘baby years’ of 7 Galaxy clusters

James Webb Telescope gives a peek into ‘baby years’ of 7 Galaxy clusters

[ad_1] Since its launch, the James Webb Space Telescope has been astonishing the world with its capabilities despite being in service for less than two years. NASA's $10 billion space telescope has been capturing breathtaking images of far-off galaxies, star clusters, ancient black holes and other celestial objects. Now, it has added another feather to its cap by giving us a glimpse into the past of galaxies, when they wer babies, and how they formed, assembled and may look now.A recent study has shed light onto the early formative, 'baby years', of galaxies. According to NASA, protocluster of seven galaxies has been confirmed at a distance that astronomers refer to as redshift 7.9, or a mere 650 million years after the Big Bang. Early formation of galaxy clustersAfter analyzing the col...
Discovery of galaxy born soon after Big Bang shows James Webb Space Telescope’s amazing power

Discovery of galaxy born soon after Big Bang shows James Webb Space Telescope’s amazing power

[ad_1] The detection of a highly compact galaxy that formed relatively soon after the Big Bang and displayed an impressive rate of star formation is the latest example of how the James Webb Space Telescope is reshaping our understanding of the early universe.Scientists said the galaxy, dating to 13.3 billion years ago, has a diameter of approximately 100 light-years - about 1,000 times smaller than the Milky Way - but forms new stars at a rate very similar to that of our much-larger present-day galaxy. A light-year is the distance light travels in a year, 5.9 trillion miles (9.5 trillion km). It existed about 510 million years after the Big Bang event marking the universe's origin. The universe at the time was less than 4% of its current age. The discovery is another example of how obse...