Tag: beans

5 Foods You Must Eat For A Longer, Healthier Life – Blue Zones Expert Reveals

5 Foods You Must Eat For A Longer, Healthier Life – Blue Zones Expert Reveals

[ad_1] If you want to live a healthy life, you need to start paying attention to the food you put in your body. Only 25% of our longevity is determined by our genes. The rest depends on our diet, lifestyle and environment, according to the health science company, Zoe, which is running the largest in-depth nutrition study in the world. In a recent Zoe podcast, Blue Zones expert and author Dan Buettner talked about what we should all be eating to live a longer, healthier life.Dan Buettner has spent over two decades studying five unique communities around the world (the Blue Zones) where people live long and healthy lives -- Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Ikaria, Greece; and Loma Linda, California. Within these Blue Zones, several food groups consistently show up, cont...
5 Foods To Avoid Eating Before You Board A Flight

5 Foods To Avoid Eating Before You Board A Flight

[ad_1] Ever felt nauseous after your flight takes off? Does your stomach start aching once you're in the air? In-flight food options are often limited, which makes matters even worse. When you cross beyond a certain altitude, air pressure changes, which immediately affects your body. The motion and constrained space of the flight cause further discomfort. The best way to avoid these problems is to make better food choices before you board the plane. We spoke to our consultant nutritionist Rupali Datta for tips to improve one's air travel experience.Here are the top 5 food and drinks you must avoid before your flight:1. ApplesThe high fibre content of apples can lead to bloating and constipation. Photo Credit: iStockYou may be surprised to find apples on this list - after all, they are of...
What Are ‘Butter Beans’? 5 Amazing Health Benefits Of This Unique Legume

What Are ‘Butter Beans’? 5 Amazing Health Benefits Of This Unique Legume

[ad_1] Lentils or legumes are one of the primary sources of protein for vegetarians. In India, we consume lentils as the humble dal that forms a staple part of practically all our meals. Other legumes such as French beans, peanuts and soya beans are also important components of the healthy vegetarian diet. Recently, we came across a new kind of legume known as 'butter beans'. What exactly are butter beans and where are they originally from? Do they offer any health benefits when compared with regular beans or are they similar in terms of their nutritional quotient? Here's all you need to know about this unique legume.What Are Butter Beans?Butter beans are a variety of legumes that have a larger size, creamy texture and a light green coloured pod with beige-coloured beans inside it. The p...