Tag: automation

AI, Data-driven hiring practices, nearly double-digit pay hikes to mark HR ways in 2024

AI, Data-driven hiring practices, nearly double-digit pay hikes to mark HR ways in 2024

[ad_1]  Data-driven hiring ways, inclusive and diversity-focused practices and nearly double-digit salary hikes are likely to leave their stamp on the human resource landscape in 2024 as companies continue to scout for the right talent amid economic uncertainties. Over the last few years, the expectations of candidates and employers have changed dramatically. Employees want workplace flexibility, a greater emphasis on diversity, and impartial hiring processes, while companies are eager to provide fair, engaging and streamlined candidate experiences to attract and retain top talent, according to experts.Designing comprehensive well-being programmes, including flexible work arrangements, inclusive culture and work-life balance policies will be among the priorities for companies. Experts s...
Women workers to be hurt more than men by AI wave, McKinsey says

Women workers to be hurt more than men by AI wave, McKinsey says

[ad_1] Women have more to worry about than men from a coming wave of automation and artificial intelligence that could replace almost a third of hours worked across the US economy.That's one of the takeaways from a new report by the research arm of consultants McKinsey & Co. that examines US labor-market trends through the end of 2030. It calculated that women are 1.5 times more likely to need to move into a new occupation than men during that period. The reason: They're over-represented in the industries with lower-wage jobs the report reckons will be most impacted by automation, including office support and customer service. Blacks and Hispanics will also be adversely affected as demand for food and production workers shrinks. In all, the McKinsey Global Institute said that at lea...
Italy allocates funds to shield workers from AI replacement threat

Italy allocates funds to shield workers from AI replacement threat

[ad_1] Italy on Monday earmarked 30 million euros ($33 million) to improve the skills of unemployed people as well as those workers whose jobs could be most at risk from the advance of automation and artificial intelligence. According to the Fondo per la Repubblica Digitale (FRD), set up in 2021 by the Rome government to boost the digital skills of Italians, 54% of those aged 16-74 lack basic digital skills, compared with an average 46% in the European Union. The funding in improving training will be allocated in two ways, FRD said. Of the total, 10 million euros will go towards boosting the skills of those whose jobs are at high risk of being replaced due to automation and technological innovation. The remaining 20 million euros will be allocated to help unemployed and economically i...