Tag: atta burger buns

How To Eat Burgers And Still Lose Weight? Make Homemade Whole Wheat Burger Buns

How To Eat Burgers And Still Lose Weight? Make Homemade Whole Wheat Burger Buns

[ad_1] Following a weight loss doesn't mean you have to miss out on your favourite meals. Feel like grabbing a hefty burger? Do so by all means but just make sure it is healthy. With a little creativity and the right ingredients, you can enjoy a wholesome and satisfying burger while keeping your health goals on track. One simple way to do this is by making your own whole-wheat burger buns at home. Not only are they fresh and hygienic, but they also provide the perfect base for your favourite burger creations.  Also Read: 5 Ways You Can Turn Your Burger Into A Healthier DishAre Whole Wheat Burger Buns Healthy? Whole wheat flour takes centre stage in these buns, providing a healthier alternative to refined white flour. Whole wheat flour retains the bran and germ, which are rich in fibre, v...