Tag: asteroids nasa

51-foot asteroid, 2 others nearing Earth today; Check distance, speed here

51-foot asteroid, 2 others nearing Earth today; Check distance, speed here

[ad_1] Do you know that there are currently 1278661 known asteroids, according to NASA? All these asteroids vary in their sizes with the largest at about 329 miles (530 kilometers) in diameter to less than 33 feet (10 meters) across. Asteroids are classified under three categories- Main Asteroid Belt, Trojans, and Near Earth Asteroids. The near-Earth asteroids have orbits that pass close by that of Earth. Here we will be telling you about one such near-earth asteroid, which will pass close to Earth today, Saturday, April 15.51-foot asteroid 2023 GC1This 51-foot asteroid named 2023 GC1 is all set to pass by planet Earth today along with two other asteroids. However, this house sized asteroid is the largest compared to the other two. According to the details provided by NASA's Jet Propuls...
Asteroid alert! Menacing space rock dashing towards Earth at a fearsome 27376 kmph

Asteroid alert! Menacing space rock dashing towards Earth at a fearsome 27376 kmph

[ad_1] NASA and other space agencies have kept a watchful eye on a particular asteroid which was previously expected to impact Earth. Although it has now been determined it will not crash to the planet's surface, it will make an extremely close approach this decade, giving scientists a chance to study it. Although asteroids often make close approaches with Earth, this happens at relatively safe distances of thousands of kilometers at a minimum. But this does not guarantee that no asteroid is ever going to strike Earth.NASA has now issued an alert against an asteroid that is expected to make its closest approach to Earth today. Asteroid 2023 FS10 informationThe asteroid has been named Asteroid 2023 FS10 by NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies. The same organization has also reveal...
77-foot asteroid approaching! Know what NASA has revealed

77-foot asteroid approaching! Know what NASA has revealed

[ad_1] Not every asteroid is able to reach Earth's surface or collide with the planet. As soon as any space object enters Earth's atmosphere, it starts burning and turns into ashes before small pieces hit the ground. However, if the object turns out to be gigantic, and if it survives the burn, it may pose a danger. Therefore, in order to avoid such situations, NASA monitors the movement of the asteroids and their trajectory on a regular basis. It also shares the details of the asteroids nearing planet Earth via Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).77-foot asteroid racing towards Earth todayAs per the latest information, a 77-foot, airplane sized asteroid named 2023 FG5 is zooming towards planet Earth at a rapid speed today, Monday, April 10. The asteroid will come as close as 3.64 million ki...
120-foot asteroid zooming towards Earth today at astonishing speed of 50796 kmph, says NASA

120-foot asteroid zooming towards Earth today at astonishing speed of 50796 kmph, says NASA

[ad_1] It is a scary day today! A gigantic 120-foot, airplane sized asteroid named 2023 FP5 is moving at a rapid speed towards planet Earth today, according to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). NASA is continuously keeping an eye on this massive asteroid to monitor its trajectory and movement to avoid any kind of mishap. However, the 120-foot giant is of no threat to the planet as of now. Here is all you need to know about the Asteroid 2023 FP5.120-foot Asteroid 2023 FP5Nearing to planet Earth today, Sunday, April 9, the 120-foot Asteroid 2023 FP5 will come as close as 4.09 million kilometers. The asteroid is moving at a very fast pace of 50796 kilometers per hour. As per its current trajectory, this massive rock will pass by the planet causing no harm. Notably, this is not the on...
170-foot scary asteroid rushing towards Earth at 42912 kmph; will reach tomorrow, says NASA

170-foot scary asteroid rushing towards Earth at 42912 kmph; will reach tomorrow, says NASA

[ad_1] Can an asteroid threaten Earth's civilization? Well, the era of dinosaurs is believed to have ended because of an asteroid's collision with the planet! What are the evidences of a space object colliding with Earth? The evidence of such occurrences are a huge number of craters on Earth. Even the moon and other planetary bodies have these asteroid collision craters. "We believe anything larger than one to two kilometers could have worldwide effects," US space agency NASA stated. It also said that asteroids that populate the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and pose no threat to Earth, can be as big as 940 kilometers (about 583 miles) across. Howver, if something untoward happens, then these asteroids can be knocked out of their orbits towards Earth.170-foot Asteroid 202...
58-foot asteroid nearing Earth at a staggering speed of 50940 kmph

58-foot asteroid nearing Earth at a staggering speed of 50940 kmph

[ad_1] Do you know that every day, our planet is bombarded with more than 100 tons of dust and sand sized particles. While, about once a year an automobile-sized asteroid hits Earth's atmosphere, creates an impressive fireball, and burns up before very small pieces of it hit the surface, NASA says. But this does not mean that the asteroids zooming towards Earth are always threat free, which makes it important for NASA to track their trajectory.As per the latest information provided by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), three asteroids are zooming towards planet Earth. The size of the biggest asteroid is 99 feet. Then there is 47-foot asteroid and another is 58-foot. 58-foot asteroid 2021 GN1This house-sized asteroid will be nearing Earth today at a distance of 6.79 million kilomete...
46-foot asteroid racing towards Earth today at 38844 kmph, says NASA

46-foot asteroid racing towards Earth today at 38844 kmph, says NASA

[ad_1] Did you know that asteroids are also sometimes called minor planets? Or, for that matter, that there are currently 1277973 known asteroids? Well, now you know. These asteroids vary in sizes and some of them are also potentially hazardous. For the uninitiated, Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs) are currently defined based on parameters that measure the asteroid's potential to make threatening close approaches to the Earth. Specifically, all asteroids with a minimum orbit intersection distance (MOID) of 0.05 au or less and an absolute magnitude (H) of 22.0 or less are considered PHAs, according to NASA. What if any of these potentially hazardous asteroids strikes Earth?NASA constantly keeps an eye on the movement and trajectory of the asteroids to ensure that they do not come d...
Asteroid to come closer than the Moon! NASA raises alert about flyby today

Asteroid to come closer than the Moon! NASA raises alert about flyby today

[ad_1] A scary 160-foot asteroid named Asteroid 2023 DZ2 is rushing towards Planet Earth to make an uncomfortable close approach at a mind numbing speed, warns NASA. NASA tech and calculations have revealed that Asteroid 2023 DZ2 is set to come closer to Earth than the Moon! It can be known that the distance between Earth and the Moon is around 239000 miles. According to the information provided by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the 160-foot gigantic space rock will make its closest approach to our planet at a distance of a mere 10900 miles or 175000 kilometers.Wondering about the speed at which the terrifying asteroid is travelling and how dangerous it can be? According to CNEOS, The airplane sized asteroid is moving at a speed of 28008 kilometers per hour or 7.78 kilometer pe...
Dangerous? 44-foot asteroid comes calling on Earth today; NASA reveals how close it will get

Dangerous? 44-foot asteroid comes calling on Earth today; NASA reveals how close it will get

[ad_1] Do dinosaurs fascinate you? Do you know how they got extinct? Well, it is believed that a gigantic asteroid's collision with planet Earth was the reason behind the same. Imagine what will happen, if anything similar happens now? NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) tracks the movement and trajectory of the asteroids and informs about their speed, distance and more. Notably, our planet is surrounded by a huge number of near-Earth objects (NEO) in space that pose a threat to the entire planet. And asteroids, one of the NEOs, depending on its size and speed, can have tremendous destructive power.As per the latest details provided by NASA's JPL, a huge house sized 44-foot asteroid named 2016 WH is rushing towards Earth today, Sunday, March 19. As far as the size of Asteroid 2016 W...
65-foot Asteroid 2023 EZ flying towards Earth today, says NASA; Will it get too close?

65-foot Asteroid 2023 EZ flying towards Earth today, says NASA; Will it get too close?

[ad_1] What are the threats for planet Earth? Our planet is surrounded by a huge number of near-Earth objects (NEO) in space that pose a threat to the entire planet. Asteroids fall in this category. The impact that an asteroid can have mainly depends on its size and its speed, which give it a tremendous destructive power. As per the latest details provided by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), a huge, 65-foot asteroid named 2023 EZ is racing towards Earth today, Saturday, March 18. NASA has informed about the Asteroid 2023 EZ's size, speed and more. Here is all you need to know about this asteroid.As far as the size of Asteroid 2023 EZ is concerned, it ranges between 16 meters and 35 meters in diameter. Though the asteroid is not that massive, it can come too close to Earth for co...