Tag: asteroid watch

Gigantic 130-foot wide asteroid is hurtling towards Earth today, warns NASA

Gigantic 130-foot wide asteroid is hurtling towards Earth today, warns NASA

[ad_1] A massive asteroid will be making its closest approach to the Earth today, October 8, according to NASA. Is there a risk of asteroid strike? Find out. The Earth is dodging asteroids left and right. After escaping the threat from a couple of asteroids yesterday, including a 100-foot space rock, the Earth again faces the scare of an even larger one. According to NASA, a 130-foot wide asteroid is approaching the Earth today, October 8 and this is a scary development. An asteroid this size can easily flatten a major city in the world if it ends up getting dragged by the Earth's gravitational pull and unleash a nightmarish hell on our planet. So, how likely is the chance of an asteroid strike? Read on to find out.The tech NASA leverages to protect the EarthNASA has built and operate...
NASA says 110-foot wide asteroid is zooming towards Earth today! Danger looming?

NASA says 110-foot wide asteroid is zooming towards Earth today! Danger looming?

[ad_1] According to NASA, a 110-foot wide asteroid called 2022 TB1 is headed towards Earth today. Is it dangerous? What is the chance of an asteroid strike? With asteroids constantly moving past the Earth, the threat of an asteroid strike is not really that far-fetched. This risk grows significantly higher whenever a large asteroid makes its way towards the planet. NASA has reported that a 110-foot wide asteroid will be making its close approach to our planet. Worryingly, this asteroid is large enough to flatten an entire city and if it were to get pulled in by Earth's gravity, it could spell a major disaster for us. But there are ways for us to know what the chance of an asteroid strike is. And it goes through a wing of NASA called the Planetary Defense.The Planetary Defense of NASA ...
Asteroid, big as a Bus, will come SHOCKINGLY close to Earth today at 372000 km, says NASA

Asteroid, big as a Bus, will come SHOCKINGLY close to Earth today at 372000 km, says NASA

[ad_1] Asteroid 2022 TD will be coming extremely close to the Earth today, October 6, according to NASA. Can it get trapped by Earth’s gravitational pull and strike us? With about 20000 Near Earth Objects (NEO) discovered so far, asteroids fly past our planet on a daily basis. These asteroids range between the size of a pebble and the Burj Khalifa. Shockingly, an asteroid will come frighteningly close to the Earth, closer than the Moon. Asteroids pose a potential risk to Earth and it is hard to tell when one of these asteroids might actually strike the planet. Realizing the complicated nature of asteroid monitoring, NASA built a technological superior planetary defense wing which hosts a number of departments like the Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO), Center for Near Earth...
Asteroid watch: Gigantic 1640 foot space rock just flew past Earth

Asteroid watch: Gigantic 1640 foot space rock just flew past Earth

[ad_1] Russian astronomers have spotted a 1640 feet wide asteroid which was headed for Earth and just flew past the planet. Although NASA has successfully completed its first asteroid deflection test, there is no way as of yet to determine whether the asteroid was actually deflected off its path. The space agency will determine that using the data collected during and after the collision. To help in better understand the impact, the European Space Agency has already sent a spacecraft named Hera to the Dimorphos asteroid to collect data and observe the impact site. Meanwhile, Russian astronomers have observed a colossal asteroid which just flew past Earth on September 30.Key details about Asteroid 2022 SE37According to a repor...
NASA warns of scary asteroid today hurtling towards Earth at 14495 kmph

NASA warns of scary asteroid today hurtling towards Earth at 14495 kmph

[ad_1] Asteroid 2018 ER1 is heading at an insane speed towards Earth. Should you worry? NASA tells. Asteroids can be lethal to Earth! Just ask the dinosaurs! Well, they are extinct, courtesy a massive asteroid and the same fate can be ours too. The earlier experiences with asteroids that have crashed on Earth showed the potential of destruction of these space rocks. And that's why NASA has conducted the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission as a planetary defense test against near-Earth objects, including asteroids. But the work is half done yet! NASA and other agencies will study the DART data over the next couple of weeks to understand the details of the asteroid deflection.Meanwhile, NASA is keeping us updated ab...
Asteroid Alert: Massive asteroid hurtling towards Earth! Watch out on Oct 2

Asteroid Alert: Massive asteroid hurtling towards Earth! Watch out on Oct 2

[ad_1] NASA has warned that a huge asteroid is hurtling dangerously towards Earth. Will it be a planet-killer? Another day, another asteroid! NASA has issued an asteroid alert against a space rock that is hurtling towards Earth. The month of September has already seen more than 30 asteroid flybys and October is expected to continue the trend. Although these asteroids pass Earth at a relatively safe distance, they are still classified as Potentially Hazardous Objects due to their close proximity with Earth. NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office is responsible for keeping an eye on the sky for rogue asteroids which could potentially threaten Earth. The organisation has now red-flagged Asteroid 2022 SB9 as it heads for cl...
NASA asteroid watch: This terrifying rock just rocketed past Earth today

NASA asteroid watch: This terrifying rock just rocketed past Earth today

[ad_1] NASA has revealed that a dangerous asteroid just flew past Earth today. Did it cause any damage? For those of you who don't know, an asteroid is a terrifying small, rocky object out in space travelling at massive speed and when seen in a telescope, it appears as a point of light, according to NASA. Most asteroids are found in a ring between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter called the Asteroid Belt. These celestial objects are the remains of the period during which our solar system formed, over 4.6 billion years ago. Asteroids can sometimes make close approaches with Earth without any danger of impacting the surface. NASA has informed that a similar asteroid just missed the planet today.Key details about Asteroid 2022 ST7A...
Asteroid today: Terrifying space rock heading for Earth at 82332 kmph

Asteroid today: Terrifying space rock heading for Earth at 82332 kmph

[ad_1] An asteroid three times as fast as a hypersonic missile has been observed heading for Earth today. Know what NASA said. Nasa defines asteroids as rocky, airless remnants left over from the early formation of our solar system about 4.6 billion years ago. Most of them can be found orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter within the main asteroid belt. Asteroids come in all shapes and sizes, with the largest being nearly 530 kilometers in diameter called Vesta. Earth is being bombarded with asteroids this year. In this month alone there have already been more than nearly 30 asteroid flybys. Now, another asteroid is on its way, NASA has warned.Asteroid 2022 SD10 heading for Earth at dangerous speedA 40 feet wide asteroid ...
Giant 160-foot asteroid hurtling towards Earth TODAY, NASA warns

Giant 160-foot asteroid hurtling towards Earth TODAY, NASA warns

[ad_1] NASA has again warned about two potentially hazardous asteroids that are hurtling towards the Earth today. One of these asteroids measures 160-foot. Asteroids pose a huge hazard to Earth. They seem to come out of nowhere and often it is very difficult to locate them till they are almost upon us, especially if they are coming from the direction of the Sun. To prevent any catastrophe, NASA is carrying out a test. It is preparing to crash a spacecraft on Dimorphos asteroid to test the technology as a means of deflecting asteroids that could be headed towards Earth. That such tests are important is proved by the fact that almost daily, there are various asteroid buzzing by Earth, missing it sometimes by just a few hundred ...
Asteroid watch: Phew! Asteroid with huge destructive potential just hurtled past Earth today

Asteroid watch: Phew! Asteroid with huge destructive potential just hurtled past Earth today

[ad_1] NASA informed that an asteroid which has the potential to cause mass destruction just flew close past Earth today. Did it cause any damage? Nearly 100 tons of space dust and sand sized particles hit Earth every day, according to NASA. Astonishingly, a vehicle-sized asteroid hits Earth's atmosphere, creates an impressive fireball, and burns up before reaching the surface nearly once every year. However, this year has been unusual. There have been numerous close calls with asteroids as large as an aircraft. Although only once every few million years, a space rock large enough to annihilate the planet comes along. Impact craters on Earth and other planets are signs of such previous encounters.Asteroid 2022 QH8 hurtled pas...