Tag: asteroid threat

A better DART mission for asteroid deflection? Know what NASA says

A better DART mission for asteroid deflection? Know what NASA says

[ad_1] The threat of asteroids hitting the Earth is always present and scientists have been working for decades now to track them and to devise the methods to deflect them or otherwise neutralize any threat potential they may have. One of the methods is to alter the direction of the asteroids moving towards our planet. Although the chances of any asteroid hitting our planet are low, but the considering the devastating impact it can have, it is necessary to keep a track.One such mission is NASA's DART mission. It was the first-ever mission by NASA whose main goal was to investigate and demonstrate a method of asteroid deflection by changing an its motion in space through kinetic impact. The first such impact was carried out by NASA in 2022. The analysis of data obtained by NASA's Double ...
2200-foot asteroid hurtling towards Earth tomorrow! NASA reveals monstrous space rock data

2200-foot asteroid hurtling towards Earth tomorrow! NASA reveals monstrous space rock data

[ad_1] Asteroids are in constant focus of most space scientists due to their potential for causing global destruction. Asteroids are space rocks that follow distinct orbits in the vastness of space. According to NASA, some of these ancient cosmic rocks pose a potential threat of colliding with Earth. Although most of them reside in the primary asteroid belt situated between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars, some of these space rocks approach Earth, with some coming within just a few hundred thousand kilometers of our planet. This proximity raises concerns about the possibility of these asteroids impacting Earth. And now, NASA has informed about a humongous asteroid that is traveling towards Earth rapidly. This is a 2200-foot asteroid that has been designated as 349507 (2008 QY).Notably, i...
474-meter Asteroid 2001 LD to speed past Earth at 18952 km/second today

474-meter Asteroid 2001 LD to speed past Earth at 18952 km/second today

[ad_1] It is going to be a remarkable Sunday for cosmic enthusiasts as Asteroid 2001 LD, belonging to the Apollo group, will have a chillingly close encounter with Earth. This colossal celestial body, estimated to be at most 474 meters in size, about the size of a football stadium, and it will zoom past our planet at an astonishing speed of 18952 km/s, according to spacereference.org! The velocity at which 2001 LD is travelling is mind-boggling, considering its massive size.At its closest approach, our planet and 2001 LD will be separated by a mere 8.84 million kilometers. The journey of asteroid 2001 LD is a remarkable feat in itself. It follows an orbital period of 618 days, taking a scenic route around the sun. It reaches a maximum distance of 292 million kilometers before swinging b...
No killer asteroid expected in the next 1,000 years, but small ones may pose a risk: Study

No killer asteroid expected in the next 1,000 years, but small ones may pose a risk: Study

[ad_1] If you have been tracking the comings and goings of asteroids and comets regularly, then here is some news that may be of particular interest. The chances of an asteroid larger than a kilometre colliding with Earth within the next 1,000 years are low. However, there remains a potential risk from smaller asteroids, according to a recent study.Researchers from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and NASA have conducted a study of nearly 1,000 near-Earth objects (NEOs) larger than one kilometre. Unlike previous analyses that focused on a century's worth of data, this study looked ahead an entire millennium. Planet-killer asteroidsDr. Davide Farnocchia of NASA's Center for Near Earth Object Studies explained that the likelihood of asteroid impacts causing significant damage to Earth...
Aircraft-sized asteroid poses grave danger in a close encounter with Earth!

Aircraft-sized asteroid poses grave danger in a close encounter with Earth!

[ad_1] Although asteroids are in elliptical orbits far out in space, these rocks also rotate, sometimes quite erratically in their orbit. Interaction with the gravitational field of a planet can cause asteroids to deviate from their trajectory and impact a planet like Earth. These space rocks are usually made up of rocks, but they can also be made of metals such as nickel and iron, or even clay. The increasing proximity of asteroids to Earth makes it imperative for space agencies to continuously monitor them.In response to an approaching asteroid today, NASA has issued a warning. Know the asteroid's details here. Asteroid 2006 HX57 detailsIt has been reported by NASA that the asteroid, identified as Asteroid 2006 HX57, is close to Earth, traveling at 39655 kilometers per hour. It will m...
524-foot Asteroid, larger than London Eye, to come scarily close after King Charles coronation

524-foot Asteroid, larger than London Eye, to come scarily close after King Charles coronation

[ad_1] A massive and dangerous 524-foot Asteroid, which is estimated to be larger than the London Eye, is set to come terrifuyingly close to Earth just a day after King Charles coronation in the UK. The London Eye is 135 metres or 443 feet high.It has been named as Asteroid 2023 HP1 by NASA and it is estimated to be travelling towards Earth at a fearsome speed of 11.6 km per second. The date of this scarily close approach is Sunday, May 7, 2023 and the time has been estimated at around 10.40pm. How close will this gigantic asteroid get to Earth? The estimated distance has been calculated to about 6 million miles. While that may not seem as very close, but in terms of space, this is a minuscule amount and space agencies will be keeping a watchful eye on it for any deviations from its rou...
Asteroid 2022 CX1 danger looming! Close approach today at 47471 kmph

Asteroid 2022 CX1 danger looming! Close approach today at 47471 kmph

[ad_1] Just like Earth, NASA's Near-Earth Object Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) completes its trip around the Sun every 12 months. Images are captured by the survey telescope throughout its journey, which are then stitched together to form a sky-map, according to NASA. This sky-map shows the positions and the brightness of millions of celestial objects in space. With the help of this sky-map and other ground and space-based telescopes, NEOWISE also helps scientists keep an eye on asteroids which may potentially threaten to impact the Earth.NASA has now issued an asteroid warning for a similar asteroid which is heading for Earth and could make its closest approach as soon as today. Asteroid 2022 CX1 detailsNASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office has issued an alert a...
58-foot asteroid dashing towards Earth, NASA reveals

58-foot asteroid dashing towards Earth, NASA reveals

[ad_1] A 58-foot asteroid could make a close trip to Earth today and NASA has revealed the asteroid’s key details. Earth witnessed countless asteroid flybys last year and the first month of 2023 has continued the trend with as many as 4 asteroids passing by Earth yesterday alone. Although none of these 4 space rocks were expected to impact Earth's surface, their close approaches serve as a reminder of the potential danger that asteroids can pose to our planet. That is why agencies like NASA, ESA and others continue to keep an eye on these Near-Earth Objects which have the potential to cause major destruction on Earth if they ever impacted.With the help of its advanced tech, NASA has now revealed that another asteroid is on its way and although it is not a planet-killer, it will pass b...
Monstrous 170-foot asteroid to make a close approach to Earth today! NASA reveals details

Monstrous 170-foot asteroid to make a close approach to Earth today! NASA reveals details

[ad_1] Nearly 100 tons of dust-sized particles are bombarded on the Earth every day. Once a year, a vehicle-sized asteroid hits Earth's atmosphere, creating a giant fireball although it burns up before reaching the surface. According to NASA, every 2000 years, an asteroid the size of a football field hits Earth and causes significant damage to the area. If you're wondering about planet-killing asteroids, they come along only once every few million years. But that doesn't mean small asteroids are safe. If these space rocks impact the surface, they have the potential to cause localized damage. And now, NASA has warned of another asteroid, and it is a big one.Asteroid 2022 YN1 key detailsNASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office has issued an alert against an asteroid named Asteroid 20...
NASA warns of 190-foot asteroid rushing towards Earth, reveals top speed, trajectory

NASA warns of 190-foot asteroid rushing towards Earth, reveals top speed, trajectory

[ad_1] A humongous 190-foot asteroid is heading towards Earth and it could make a close approach as soon as today! Is there cause for worry? How close will it get? NASA's Near-Earth Object Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) completes its trip around the Sun every 12 months, like Earth. The survey telescope takes images throughout its journey which are then stitched together to form a sky-map, according to NASA. This sky-map shows the positions and the brightness of millions of celestial objects in space. NEOWISE also helps scientists keep a watch for any asteroids which could potentially impact the Earth. And new ones are being found frequently. NASA has now issued an asteroid warning for an asteroid which is heading for Earth today.Asteroid 2019 AY3 detailsNASA's Planetary...