Tag: asteroid strike on earth

NASA telescopes track 170-foot asteroid charging towards Earth for a close approach

NASA telescopes track 170-foot asteroid charging towards Earth for a close approach

[ad_1] We've heard the tale of an asteroid crashing on Earth nearly 65 million years ago and wiping out the dinosaurs since our childhood. But did you know that it is backed up by a hypothesis? According to the Alvarez hypothesis, this extinction was caused by a massive asteroid that crashed on Earth. Scientists have also discovered the origin of the asteroid. It would've originated between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter. The asteroid terraformed the planet and is likely the reason that started the extinction of dinosaurs. Scientists have even found the impact crater of the asteroid in Chicxulub, near the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Can a similar asteroid strike Earth today? Although experts say an asteroid could again impact the Earth, it is a 250-million-year cycle and is very likely ...
NASA lab hopes to find life’s building blocks in asteroid sample

NASA lab hopes to find life’s building blocks in asteroid sample

[ad_1] Eager scientists and a gleaming lab awaits.A sample from the asteroid Bennu, which could be key to understanding the formation of the solar system and our own planet, is set to be analyzed at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston after it reaches Earth in late September. The precious cargo is currently aboard OSIRIS-REx, a US space probe launched in 2016 to Bennu, which orbits the Sun at an average distance of about 105 million miles (168 million kilometers). Long white sleeves hang from the huge metal and glass box in which the sample will be handled.Scientists will separate pieces of the rock and dust for study now, while carefully storing away the rest for future generations equipped with better technology -- a practice first started during the Apollo missions to the Moon."We...
Will an asteroid STRIKE Earth? Indian scientist reveals shocking truth

Will an asteroid STRIKE Earth? Indian scientist reveals shocking truth

[ad_1] Asteroids pose a clear and present danger to Earth. There have been many asteroid strikes and space agencies are finding new space rocks all the time. So, will an asteroid strike Earth? Did you know that space debris as small as grains of sand or pebbles in their thousands hit the Earth's atmosphere every day? The atmosphere works as a shield, burning up these space rocks. But this is not the case every time. Sometimes, there are meteors in our night sky which burn up high in the atmosphere, but other times huge asteroids actually manage to strike the Earth. One such catastrophic incident happened around 66 million years ago, which is said to have killed off the entire species of dinosaurs. It is known as the Chicxulub event. The asteroid was 15-km wide and it hit the area know...
100-mtr, 1000-mtr Asteroid impact chances and consequences-all in brief

100-mtr, 1000-mtr Asteroid impact chances and consequences-all in brief

[ad_1] What will a 100-mtr, or a 1000-mtr Asteroid strike on Earth do? What are the chances of a strike by these monster rocks? Find out Asteroids are astonishing space rocks, literally, in the sky that fly around in specific orbits and sometime come very close to Earth. Needless to say, their potential for destruction make all space agencies in the world, as well as amateur astronomers, keep a constant watch on the skies above for a rare sighting. Yes, the sightings by the huge number of telescopes around the Earth as well as in space, are many. Surprisingly, new, never-seen-before, ones keep coming very frequently and are promptly catalogued. The really dangerous ones are those that come from the direction of the Sun as they cannot be easily sighted as the glare makes it impo...
Radio waves can protect the Earth from a 500-foot SCARY asteroid? Know shocking answer

Radio waves can protect the Earth from a 500-foot SCARY asteroid? Know shocking answer

[ad_1] Asteroid 2010 XC15 is a 500 feet wide potentially hazardous asteroid that can one day strike the Earth. In an effort to protect the Earth from asteroids similar to this, scientists are looking at radio waves. Check details. Nobody can deny that one of the greatest natural threats looming above us is an asteroid strike. Just like it did to dinosaurs 65 million years ago, one big asteroid strike can destroy humanity on this planet. NASA has recognized it and that's why it conducted its Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) in 2022. And while smashing into an asteroid to change its path sounds amazing in theory, there are certain issues with it as well. And that's why scientists are now looking at radio waves to help create a better planetary defense. And its first use case has ...
700-foot asteroid strike: This horrific thing will happen on Earth to this city

700-foot asteroid strike: This horrific thing will happen on Earth to this city

[ad_1] An asteroid strike can be unimaginably devastating. While NASA is tracking most hazardous asteroids, you can still know about the destruction a 700-foot asteroid strike on Earth is capable of. Asteroids and comets are the biggest threat to humanity in the entire universe. Our entire solar system is filled with these space rocks ranging in size from a few millimeters to hundreds of kilometers. In fact, the largest asteroid in the solar system, Ceres, is 939 kilometers wide. And strangely, we don't even require such humongous asteroids to destroy the Earth amd make humans go extinct. The horrific asteroid that killed all dinosaurs was merely 10 kilometers in size. But what if a monster 700-foot asteroid were to strike Earth tomorrow in the megacity of Los Angeles. How horrific co...
1500-foot asteroid strike! HORRIFIC damage; THESE many people will be killed on Earth

1500-foot asteroid strike! HORRIFIC damage; THESE many people will be killed on Earth

[ad_1] Just how dangerous can an asteroid strike on Earth be? The horrific damage a 1500-foot asteroid can do is detailed here. With thousands of asteroids floating around our planet, it is a matter of when, and not if, an asteroid will strike. Luckily, anyone who is alive on this planet at the moment has never witnessed an actual asteroid strike where the size of the space rock was larger than a few metres. The closest we came was the Chelyabinsk incident where the incoming asteroid exploded in the sky and still managed to injure thousands because of the shockwave. Just a couple weeks ago another one struck Earth, but only small remnants landed. So, what if a 1500-foot asteroid were to strike Earth tomorrow. For example, New York, a crowded megalopolis. How horrific will the damage b...
150-foot Asteroid heading for Earth, just days after HORROR asteroid HITS planet, says NASA

150-foot Asteroid heading for Earth, just days after HORROR asteroid HITS planet, says NASA

[ad_1] Horrifyingly, an asteroid actually hit Earth, NASA revealed. Now, NASA has alerted about a 150-foot-wide asteroid heading this way. Horrifyingly, just hours before an asteroid strike on Earth, NASA realised it was on a collision course with Earth and would hit for sure. The asteroid strike, on November 19, caused skies over southern Ontario, Canada, to light up brightly as astonished people looked on. The asteroid that hit Earth was named 2022 WJ1. Thankfully, it didn't harm anyone, but NASA scientists informed that it "streaked across the sky high in Earth's atmosphere, broke up, and likely scattered small meteorites over the southern coastline of Lake Ontario." Surprising fact? The asteroid was detected just three and a half an hour before impact. Reason for the fortunate end...
140-foot Asteroid heading for Earth, just days after HORROR asteroid HITS planet, says NASA

140-foot Asteroid heading for Earth, just days after HORROR asteroid HITS planet, says NASA

[ad_1] Horrifyingly, an asteroid actually hit Earth, NASA revealed. Now, NASA has alerted about a 140-foot-wide asteroid heading this way. Horrifyingly, just hours before an asteroid strike on Earth, NASA realised it was on a collision course with Earth and would hit for sure. The asteroid strike, on November 19, caused skies over southern Ontario, Canada, to light up brightly as astonished people looked on. The asteroid that hit Earth was named 2022 WJ1. Thankfully, it didn't harm anyone, but NASA scientists informed that it "streaked across the sky high in Earth's atmosphere, broke up, and likely scattered small meteorites over the southern coastline of Lake Ontario." Surprising fact? The asteroid was detected just three and a half an hour before impact. Reason for the fortunate end...
Can a dangerous asteroid strike Earth and destroy humanity? Know here

Can a dangerous asteroid strike Earth and destroy humanity? Know here

[ad_1] How dangerous are asteroids for Earth? Can a dangerous asteroid strike Earth and destroy it? Get an answer to these questions here. Can asteroids be dangerous for Earth? Tens of millions of years ago, a single asteroid collided with the planet, which is said to be the reason behind the extinction of dinosaurs. Though the collision was destructive, our planet survived! Does this mean that Earth cannot be destroyed by an asteroid even though living things on it may go extinct? That cannot be said! Due to the gravitational pull, Earth tends to attract certain objects like asteroids and meteors towards it leading to crashes. However, there is no potential harm caused by these objects until and unless they are large such as...