Tag: asteroid speed

450-foot asteroid, bigger than the Statue of Liberty, rushing towards Earth at fearsome speed

450-foot asteroid, bigger than the Statue of Liberty, rushing towards Earth at fearsome speed

[ad_1] Located at JPL, the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) works alongside the Planetary Defense Coordination Office at NASA Headquarters in Washington to characterize the orbits of near-Earth asteroids. The organization further studies the data, predicts the close approaches with Earth, and even carries out impact hazard assessments in order to minimize the uncertainty around the trajectory of these space objects.The increasing number of asteroids that pass Earth closely has made it imperative for space agencies such as NASA and ESA to continuously monitor them, and another one is set to pass Earth closely today. Know the asteroid's details here. Asteroid 2022 WN4 detailsAccording to details revealed by NASA, an asteroid, identified as Asteroid 2022 WN4, is close to Earth,...
Asteroid hurtling towards Earth at blistering speed today! NASA clocks it at 36605 kmph

Asteroid hurtling towards Earth at blistering speed today! NASA clocks it at 36605 kmph

[ad_1] Asteroid warning has been issued about the Asteroid 2022 XJ, which is expected to make a close approach to Earth today. Earth is being bombarded by various natural phenomena such as solar storms, solar flares, geomagnetic storms and more these past few months. These phenomena have been relentless with each of them potentially powerful enough to cause serious damage. Asteroids flybys have been a common occurrence too with more than 40 asteroids flying by Earth closely in the months of October and November. There is yet another cause to worry as NASA has revealed another asteroid is speeding towards the Earth today.Key details about Asteroid 2022 XJNASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office is responsible for monitoring the skies and keeping a watch on various Near-Earth Object...
This asteroid came SHOCKINGLY close to Earth; humans were just inches away from tragedy

This asteroid came SHOCKINGLY close to Earth; humans were just inches away from tragedy

[ad_1] In 2021, the asteroid 2021 UA1 came so close to the Earth that it could have easily smashed into the planet and caused a disaster. Know all about our planet’s escape. We keep reading about asteroids flying past the Earth on a regular basis but we don't actually realize how terrifyingly close these space rocks can get and the scale of destruction they can inflict on our planet if they smash into it. But every now and then, an asteroid gets pulled by the Earth's gravity and gives us a glimpse of the disaster these terrifying asteroids can bring about. We all know about the Chelyabinsk incident in 2013 when a 20-meter wide meteor exploded above the Russian city and just the sonic boom was enough to break the glass of skyscrapers and cause heavy infrastructure damage in a large rad...
Asteroid today: Space rock speeding towards Earth! Clocked at 29916 kmph by NASA

Asteroid today: Space rock speeding towards Earth! Clocked at 29916 kmph by NASA

[ad_1] A massive asteroid is speeding towards Earth today! NASA has warned that it will pass at extremely close distance. Did you know that most of the asteroids can be found in a specific region in space? Yes, you read that right! The region is called the asteroid belt – a region between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. These space rocks are usually made up of rocks, but they can also be made of metals such as gold, nickel and iron, or even clay and were responsible for triggering the extinction of dinosaurs when one crashed on Earth near the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico more than 65 million years ago. Now, NASA has warned that an asteroid is speeding towards Earth today.Asteroid 2022 VD key detailsNASA has warned that Asteroid 2022 VD is on its way towards Earth travelling at a stagge...