Tag: asteroid pallas

THESE asteroids are LETHAL, biggest is a whopping 939 km! Do they threaten Earth?

THESE asteroids are LETHAL, biggest is a whopping 939 km! Do they threaten Earth?

[ad_1] Do you know which is the largest asteroid found so far? Have a look at these asteroids that do pose a threat to Earth. NASA's observatory JPL keeps all of us informed about the potentially hazardous asteroids that are flying by close to Earth as well as their threat potential. The constant watch being kept on these monstrous space rocks is because there have been many asteroids that have crashed on Earth in the past. You must have heard about the infamous Chicxulub crater which was formed over 66 million years ago when a giant 10km wide asteroid in diameter struck the Earth and ended the era of dinosaurs. But you will be shocked to know that it wasn't the largest asteroid that scientists have found so far. There are so...
List of terror! NASA reveals 5 BIGGEST asteroids that may pose a threat to Earth

List of terror! NASA reveals 5 BIGGEST asteroids that may pose a threat to Earth

[ad_1] What are the biggest asteroids in our solar system? NASA has shared the list of these giant space rocks that are virtually labelled as planet killers on account of their massive size as well as the speed they are travelling. In fact a double whammy, if ever there was one. The Earth is under constant threat from asteroids that come shooting by and buzz the planet at close range. There have been many asteroids that have crashed on Earth and some even caused the extinction of many species. They threaten the same fate for us humans too. These asteroids are rocky remnants from the time when the early universe was forming and they are still running loose. Most of this ancient space rubble orbits between Mars and Jupiter with...