Tag: asteroid news

Terrifying Asteroid 2022 UP17 rocketing towards Earth today! Check terrifying speed

Terrifying Asteroid 2022 UP17 rocketing towards Earth today! Check terrifying speed

[ad_1] This asteroid is speeding towards Earth much faster than a bullet! Will it impact and cause damage? Know what NASA said. Asteroids have struck the Earth more than once in the last billion years. Some of them have changed the course of history. These space rocks are also the reason behind the extinction of dinosaurs. But how can asteroid impact craters, which struck the Earth thousands of years ago be identified? In an astonishing development, a team of international researchers identified the previous impact sites of asteroids using CSI crime solving techniques. But before that, know about this asteroid which is headed directly for Earth, as warned by NASA and it is flying much, much faster than a bullet (around 3000kmph).Asteroid 2022 UP17 key detailsThe asteroid, named Astero...
Asteroid today: Look out! This 150-foot huge space rock to fly past Earth today

Asteroid today: Look out! This 150-foot huge space rock to fly past Earth today

[ad_1] NASA has warned that a colossal asteroid is heading straight for Earth today. Will it cause any damage? Did you know that asteroids have been responsible for some of the biggest events in history. There have been many incidents in the past which have changed the course of life on the planet. From the Chelyabinsk disaster that claimed many lives to the meteor which caused the extinction of dinosaurs millions of years ago, whenever meteors have crashed on Earth, they have impacted lives. The Planetary Defense Coordination Office is responsible for monitoring the skies and keeping a watch on various Near-Earth Objects (NEOs). If any NEO comes within 8 million kilometers of Earth, the organization red flags the NEO and issues an alert.Asteroid 2022 UZ5 detailsAsteroid 2022 UZ5 is e...
Scary 328-foot asteroid speeding towards Earth, NASA avers

Scary 328-foot asteroid speeding towards Earth, NASA avers

[ad_1] NASA has warned that a gigantic asteroid is speeding towards the planet today. How dangerous is it? Asteroids come in all shapes and sizes, with the largest being nearly 530 kilometers in diameter called Vesta. Others are smaller at around 100 feet and even less. Although NASA scientists estimate that an asteroid would have to be about 96 km wide to completely and utterly wipe out life on Earth, smaller asteroids also have the potential to cause damage up to some extent. Unlike bigger asteroids which seldom stray towards Earth, smaller space rocks frequently fly past the planet at very close distance. Now, NASA has warned that another asteroid is on its way.Asteroid 2022 UA10 detailsNASA has warned that Asteroid 2022 UA10 is on its way towards Earth travelling at a staggering s...
Asteroid today: Menacing rock speeding towards Earth! Clocked at 38448 kmph, says NASA

Asteroid today: Menacing rock speeding towards Earth! Clocked at 38448 kmph, says NASA

[ad_1] NASA has warned that a hazardous asteroid is speeding towards Earth today. Is Earth in any danger? Although most asteroids are found in a ring between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter called the asteroid belt, some have made their way towards Earth in the past. Some of these space rocks have even caused a major impact and even triggered an extinction-level event. An asteroid was responsible for triggering the extinction of dinosaurs when it crashed on Earth near the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico more than 65 million years ago. NASA has now warned that another one is on its way. But does it put Earth in any danger? Asteroid 2022 UM details A 48 feet wide asteroid named Asteroid 2022 UM is expected to zoom past Earth today, October 18. The asteroid is already on its way towards Earth,...
Asteroid today: Phew! This 377-foot space rock just absolutely terrified Earth

Asteroid today: Phew! This 377-foot space rock just absolutely terrified Earth

[ad_1] NASA has warned that a colossal, 377-foot, asteroid flew past the planet today. Space rock was just terrifying in its potential to cause chaos on Earth? Asteroids have been responsible for some of the biggest catastrophic events in history and this includes, the Chelyabinsk disaster that claimed many lives to the one which caused the extinction of dinosaurs millions of years ago, NASA said. The Planetary Defense Coordination Office is responsible for monitoring the skies and keeping a watch on various Near-Earth Objects (NEOs). If any NEO comes within 8 million kilometers of Earth, the organization red flags the NEO and issues an alert. The organization has been alerted that a colossal asteroid just flew past Earth today.Asteroid 2022 QM6 detailsAsteroid 2022 QM6 just flew past...
Asteroid today: Gigantic space rock speeding towards Earth! NASA on alert

Asteroid today: Gigantic space rock speeding towards Earth! NASA on alert

[ad_1] Beware! Another dangerous asteroid is speeding towards the planet today. Know what NASA said about this space rock. Did you know that water on Earth may have originated from asteroids? Yes, and a study has actually revealed that water may have originated on an asteroid. The study was conducted after collecting samples from an asteroid called Ryugu by the Japanese Hayabusa-2 space probe during a 6-year space mission. Asteroids vary in the composition of their core materials. Some asteroids are made up of clay and silicate, while others are made up of silicate materials and nickel-iron, according to NASA. Asteroids often make close flybys with Earth, generally missing the planet at a safe distance. NASA has now warned that another one is on its way.Key details about Asteroid 2022...