Tag: asteroid mass extinction

Killer Asteroid strike: Miraculously, these ‘dinosaurs’ escaped mass extinction

Killer Asteroid strike: Miraculously, these ‘dinosaurs’ escaped mass extinction

[ad_1] Birds are the only dinosaur group that survived the terrible asteroid strike that caused the mass extinction of dinosaurs some 66 million years ago. Scientists have been puzzled for years about why birds, descendants of dinosaurs, survived while most others did not, including the fearsome giants that we know all about, Interesting Engineering reports. Now, two new studies have focused on one possible answer: molting.The importance of molting as survival mechanism after asteroid strikeMolting is when birds shed old feathers and grow new ones. Feathers are made of a protein called keratin, which is the same stuff that makes up human hair and nails. Feathers are important for birds because they help them fly, swim, attract mates, stay warm, and protect their skin from the sun. Feath...
NASA kicked asteroid off course in test to save Earth and humanity from mass extinction

NASA kicked asteroid off course in test to save Earth and humanity from mass extinction

[ad_1] NASA on Tuesday celebrated exceeding expectations during a mission to deflect a distant asteroid, in a sci-fi like test of humanity's ability to stop an incoming cosmic object from devastating life on Earth.The fridge-sized Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) impactor deliberately smashed into the moonlet asteroid Dimorphos on September 26, pushing it into a smaller, faster orbit around its big brother Didymos, NASA chief Bill Nelson announced. That changed its orbital period by four percent, or 32 minutes -- from 11 hour 55 minutes to 11 hours 23 minutes, bettering an expectation of 10 minutes. "At some point in the future, if we find an asteroid that is threatening to hit Earth, and would be large enough to really do some damage, thank goodness that we will have had this s...