Tag: asteroid hitting earth

Asteroid hurtling towards Earth at 60364 kmph! First-ever close approach today

Asteroid hurtling towards Earth at 60364 kmph! First-ever close approach today

[ad_1] NASA, on September 8, 2016, launched the Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security-Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) as part of a mission to study a Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (PHA) called Bennu, which has a 1/2700 chance of impacting Earth between 2175 and 2195. After a nearly 6-year mission that involved landing on the asteroid and collecting rock and dust, the spacecraft landed back on our soil safely on September 24. The collected samples then went under a “nitrogen purge” and will now be transported to NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, where they will be inventoried and distributed to scientists all over the world. In a separate development, NASA has also discovered a Near-Earth Asteroid whose orbit will bring it close to Earth today, and...
Aircraft-sized asteroid to fly past Earth today! Close call predicted by NASA

Aircraft-sized asteroid to fly past Earth today! Close call predicted by NASA

[ad_1] NASA has recently shed light on an asteroid whose orbit will bring it close to Earth. This Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA) is expected to make its closest approach to Earth today, September 22. Whilst this space rock will come very close to the planet, it is not expected to impact the surface. According to NASA, Asteroid 2023 RQ6 will pass by Earth at a distance of around 6 million kilometers. It is already on its way toward the planet, traveling at a blistering speed of 33912 kilometers per hour.Asteroid 2023 RQ6: Is it dangerous?Despite its close approach and breakneck speed, NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) has not classified this asteroid as a Potentially Hazardous Object due to its relatively small size. These are celestial objects larger than about 490 meters t...
Asteroid set to get closer to Earth today than Moon is! Know details of this terrifying approach

Asteroid set to get closer to Earth today than Moon is! Know details of this terrifying approach

[ad_1] NASA defines asteroids as ancient space rocks left over from the early formation of our solar system about 4.6 billion years ago. While most of these space rocks are located in the main asteroid belt between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars, the orbits of some asteroids bring them closer to Earth. Apart from the asteroid belt, there is the Kuiper belt which has a huge number of comets and asteroids in it too. Notably, in recent years, there have been several close calls with asteroids that have passed close to our planet. If they come close enough, some of the asteroids are termed as Near-Earth Objects.NASA has now revealed that a similar asteroid is all set to pass the planet and it will do so at a distance closer than the Moon! Information about Asteroid 2023 SN1NASA has warned t...
NASA reveals an aeroplane-sized asteroid to make a close approach today! Check details

NASA reveals an aeroplane-sized asteroid to make a close approach today! Check details

[ad_1] Over the years, we have heard various stories about asteroids striking Earth and creating massive craters in various locations on Earth's surface. Scientists are constantly discovering new information about our Earth's history and so far 190 impacts have been found. Experts believe that once our planet was very sensitive to celestial objects and it had a very rough past. However, at present, it is highly unlikely that an asteroid will strike Earth any time soon. However, asteroids keep zooming by at scarily close distances and now, NASA has discovered an asteroid that is hurdling towards Earth and is going to make a very close approach to Earth Today. Asteroid 2023 QHNASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) identifies cosmic objects which make a close approach to Eart...
Close encounter with an asteroid soon! NASA tracks space rock rushing towards Earth

Close encounter with an asteroid soon! NASA tracks space rock rushing towards Earth

[ad_1] Over the course of Earth's 4.5 billion-year-old history, there have been numerous instances where asteroids have struck the planet. One of the most consequential impacts occurred around 65 million years ago when a large asteroid struck Earth in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. This impact obliterated nearly 70 percent of Earth's species including dinosaurs. Other asteroid impacts include the 2-billion-year-old Vredefort crater, 1.8-billion-year-old Sudbury basin impact, and 500-million-year-old Clearwater Lakes craters.In a separate development, NASA has issued details about an asteroid that is set to pass by Earth closely today, August 30. Asteroid 2012 PZ17: DetailsThis Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA) is expected to make its closest approach to Earth today, August 30. Whilst this spa...
House-sized asteroid to make a close approach today! NASA reveals details

House-sized asteroid to make a close approach today! NASA reveals details

[ad_1] Most asteroids are made up of carbon-rich substances, silicate materials or metals. But did you know about one space rock that is made of Earth's rarest metals? The asteroid, known as 16 Psyche, is made up of gold, nickel, and iron deposits. According to NASA, it could be worth more than the world's economy put together! Other than its gold-rich structure, the outer surface of this asteroid is nickel-rich which resembles an early planet's core. It is worth nearly $10 quadrillion, and this is why NASA has planned a mission to this asteroid to study its composition. Alongside 16 Psyche asteroid, another asteroid has piqued the interest of scientists lately as it will be making its closest approach to Earth in years. Asteroid 2023 QD2At present, 1298148 asteroids have been discover...
Close call! Aircraft-sized asteroid coming, NASA reveals details

Close call! Aircraft-sized asteroid coming, NASA reveals details

[ad_1] NASA is gearing up to launch its Psyche mission from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on October 5 at 10:38 a.m. EDT, and it has now called upon digital content creators to cover this amazing feat. The Psyche spacecraft, assisted by a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket, will lift off from Launch Complex 39A and will undertake a journey to an asteroid called 16 Psyche, which is located in the main asteroid belt, between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars.Alongside 16 Psyche asteroid, another asteroid has piqued the interest of scientists lately as it will be making its closest approach to Earth in years today, August 24. Asteroid 2023 QN2NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) has designated this space rock as Asteroid 2023 QN2, making it one of the 1298148 asteroids that have ...
Menacing asteroid hurtling towards Earth at a breakneck speed! Check details

Menacing asteroid hurtling towards Earth at a breakneck speed! Check details

[ad_1] Some asteroids present a potential threat of collision with Earth while others can help discover secrets of space. Although these ancient space rocks are located far away in space, mainly in the asteroid belt, they often make close approaches to Earth, passing the planet at close distances. This can happen if an asteroid gets knocked off course, affected by a large planet's gravitational pull. Their orbits can also bring them extremely close to Earth.NASA's Defense Coordination Office (PDCO), which is responsible for monitoring the skies and keeping a watch on various Near-Earth Objects (NEOs), has issued a warning against an asteroid that will pass Earth closely today. Asteroid 2023 OY4NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) has designated this space rock as Asteroid...
150-foot asteroid on its way towards Earth, NASA reveals; Know close approach details

150-foot asteroid on its way towards Earth, NASA reveals; Know close approach details

[ad_1] NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office is responsible for monitoring the skies and keeping a watch on various Near-Earth Objects (NEOs). The organization has issued a warning against an asteroid designated as Asteroid 2023 OD5. It is just one of the 1,298,148 asteroids that have been discovered to date with the help of NASA's advanced ground and space-based telescopes and satellites and it will be making a close approach to Earth soon. Asteroid 2023 OD5: DetailsAsteroid 2023 OD5 is a Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA) that is expected to make its closest approach to Earth today, August 1. Whilst this space rock will come very close to the planet, it is not expected to impact the surface. According to NASA, Asteroid 2023 OD5 will pass by Earth at a distance of around 5.3 million kilo...
NASA satellites track 150-foot Apollo group asteroid hurtling towards Earth

NASA satellites track 150-foot Apollo group asteroid hurtling towards Earth

[ad_1] Asteroids have their orbits which sometimes bring them close to Earth, but can they threaten the planet? Well, NASA certainly thinks so. Throughout history, there have been several asteroid impacts, ranging from the Chelyabinsk asteroid to the Chicxulub crater where the dinosaur-killing asteroid reportedly crashed. Recently, a space rock even hit a woman in the chest in France! NASA's Dr. Kelly E. Fast says, “Asteroids have hit Earth throughout its history, and it will happen again.”Thus, studying these space rocks becomes imperative to minimize the uncertainties around their close approaches. NASA, with the help of its advanced ground and space-based telescopes, has tracked an asteroid whose orbit will bring it very close to Earth soon. Asteroid 2016 AW65According to the details...