Tag: asteroid hitting earth

Asteroid bigger than the famous Brooklyn Bridge to pass Earth today! NASA reveals details

Asteroid bigger than the famous Brooklyn Bridge to pass Earth today! NASA reveals details

[ad_1] The Earth is nearly 4.5 billion years old, and it has withstood many asteroid impacts in its history. One of the most profound impacts occurred almost 65 million years ago when a mammoth 12-kilometer-wide asteroid crashed into the surface and obliterated nearly 70 percent of Earth's species including dinosaurs. Astonishingly, you can still find the asteroid's impact crater today located in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Due to the constant barrage of asteroids, NASA and other space agencies developed an arsenal of space and ground-based telescopes to discover and track these ancient space rocks. With the help of its advanced tech, NASA has now revealed that a mammoth, bridge-sized asteroid is set to pass Earth today. Know all about this close encounter. Asteroid 2003 UC20: Det...
Apollo group asteroid to pass Earth closely today; Know speed, size and more

Apollo group asteroid to pass Earth closely today; Know speed, size and more

[ad_1] Asteroid 2023 UF6: NASA launched the Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security-Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) on September 8, 2016, in a bid to study an asteroid called Bennu which has a 1/2700 chance of impacting Earth between 2175 and 2195. The space agency sent a spacecraft that landed on the asteroid, collecting rock and dust samples, before finally returning them to Earth a few weeks ago. While NASA managed to collect the samples present outside the container, it is struggling to remove 2 of the 35 fasteners on the capsule. Thus, the samples inside the capsule haven't been accessed yet.In a new development, NASA has shed light on an asteroid that is set to pass Earth at a close distance today. Asteroid 2023 UF6: Speed, size, distance, and moreAc...
Apollo asteroid to pass Earth today, reveals NASA

Apollo asteroid to pass Earth today, reveals NASA

[ad_1] For years, it has been known that the most likely cause of the extinction of dinosaurs was an asteroid impact. The most common theory behind the extinction is the Alvarez hypothesis, which claims that an asteroid struck Earth nearly 65 million years ago and wiped out entire species of dinosaurs. This theory is backed by some proof too as scientists have also discovered its impact crater, known as the Chicxulub crater, buried under the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. As per the hypothesis, the impact of the asteroid would have caused the formation of huge tidal waves and an impact crater almost 140 km wide. Lland material would have splattered into space, changing the Earth into a nuclear winter-like environment, ultimately leading to the demise of dinosaurs. In a new development, NA...
Apollo group asteroid to come closer than the Moon; Know details of approach

Apollo group asteroid to come closer than the Moon; Know details of approach

[ad_1] NASA has recently issued details about an asteroid designated as Asteroid 2023 TK15 that is expected to make its closest approach to Earth on October 20. This asteroid has been discovered and tracked using various advanced technological instruments such as the NEOWISE telescope, Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), Pans-STARRS1 and Catalina Sky Survey. Know all about it.Asteroid 2023 TK15: DetailsThis space rock is already on its way and it is travelling at a speed of almost 79085 kilometers per hour, which is even faster than a space shuttle! According to NASA, Asteroid 2023 TK15 will pass Earth at an extremely close distance of just 379994 km, which is even closer than the Moon. For the unaware, the distance of the Moon from Earth is 384,400 kilometers It will b...
Wow! Asteroid 2023 TV3 to pass Earth 4 times closer than the Moon! Know details

Wow! Asteroid 2023 TV3 to pass Earth 4 times closer than the Moon! Know details

[ad_1] NASA, ESA and other space agencies have a suite of ground and space-based telescopes and observatories to track and monitor asteroids. Despite the presence of these technological marvels, an asteroid snuck past all of them! The asteroid, named Asteroid 2023 NT1, made its closest approach to Earth on July 13 when it entered Earth's 60,000-mile radius, which is 4 times closer than the Moon! It was not a small rock either, as scientists later revealed it was nearly 200 feet wide, about 4 times the size of the Chelyabinsk asteroid that caused massive damage in Russia. It was at last found by the Asteroid Terrestrials-Impacts Last Alert System (ATLAS) observatory in South Africa on July 15.In a new development, NASA has revealed that an asteroid is set for its closest approach to Eart...
Asteroid hurtling towards Earth today at a mind-numbing 31394 kmph, reveals NASA

Asteroid hurtling towards Earth today at a mind-numbing 31394 kmph, reveals NASA

[ad_1] On September 8, 2016, NASA launched a historic mission - the Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security-Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx). It was launched to study a Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (PHA) called Bennu, which has a 1/2700 chance of impacting Earth between 2175 and 2195. After a 6-year journey that involved landing on the asteroid and collecting samples from its surface, the spacecraft finally returned the samples last month, after which they underwent a “nitrogen purge”. Today, NASA will finally open up the canister returned by the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft and show off the asteroid sample to the world in an event that will be live-streamed. You can watch it online here.In a separate development, NASA has also discovered a Near-Earth Asteroid w...
Asteroid to come closer than the Moon! NASA reveals details of close approach

Asteroid to come closer than the Moon! NASA reveals details of close approach

[ad_1] To discover, monitor and study asteroids in space, NASA has several space telescopes and ground-based observatories in place. These include the famous Hubble Space Telescope and the new James Webb Space Telescope. Moreover, spacecraft such as Dawn, OSIRIS-REx, and Hayabusa2 have also helped in studying these ancient space rocks. As of now, there are 1,298,210 known asteroids in space and while not all of them are dangerous, some of them can get knocked off their orbit due to interaction with a planet's gravitational field such as Jupiter, and head towards Earth for potential impact. Therefore, to remove the uncertainties around the asteroid's approach, it is imperative that we track them.In a new development, NASA has now revealed that an asteroid is all set to pass the planet an...
140-foot asteroid set for a close call with Earth, reveals NASA

140-foot asteroid set for a close call with Earth, reveals NASA

[ad_1] Did you know that artificial intelligence (AI) is aiding in the discovery and study of asteroids? After aiding various industries across sectors such as education, healthcare, engineering and more, AI could also potentially help protect Earth against asteroids. According to a study published by the University of Washington, an algorithm, named HelioLinc3D, helped researchers discover a potentially hazardous asteroid. Asteroid 2022 SF289, which is almost 600 feet wide, was discovered during the algorithm's test in Hawaii and has not been deemed as dangerous in the foreseeable future.In a separate development, NASA has shed light on an asteroid that is set to make its closest approach to Earth today. We're now on WhatsApp. Click to join. Asteroid 2023 TLAs many as 1298148 asteroids...
NASA reveals bus-sized asteroid rushing towards Earth today! Check speed, size, other details

NASA reveals bus-sized asteroid rushing towards Earth today! Check speed, size, other details

[ad_1] NASA has several space and ground-based telescopes in place to discover, track, and study asteroids. But if you're a budding astronomer, you can help the space agency too! NASA's new Daily Minor Planet Project allows astronomers and skywatchers to help discover new asteroids and track them in data sets. To capture asteroids, the Daily Minor Project uses the NASA-funded, University of Arizona-based Catalina Sky Survey which captures nearly 1000 images every night. Due to this volume, NASA scientists fall short of personnel to study these images. After looking at the image, you just have to click on a yes or a no button and add a comment if necessary, before moving on to the next image. That's how you can help NASA keep an eye on these ancient space rocks! In a new development, NA...
Asteroid bigger than Brooklyn Bridge hurtling towards Earth today! NASA reveals stats

Asteroid bigger than Brooklyn Bridge hurtling towards Earth today! NASA reveals stats

[ad_1] Over the course of Earth's 4.5 billion-year-old history, there have been several major asteroid impacts that have had a significant impact on the future of the planet and helped humanity to emerge as a dominant force. Perhaps the most consequential impact occurred almost 65 million years ago when a mammoth 12-kilometer-wide asteroid crashed into the surface and obliterated nearly 70 percent of Earth's species including dinosaurs. The crater where the asteroid crashed can still be found today in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Such large asteroids have the potential to cause global devastation if they crash. Fortunately, NASA and other space agencies now have an arsenal of space and ground-based telescopes to discover and track them.Using such high-tech instruments, NASA has issu...