Tag: asteroid hit earth

1640-foot asteroid could hit Earth, says UCC professor; know when

1640-foot asteroid could hit Earth, says UCC professor; know when

[ad_1] Asteroids are massive space rocks that travel through space and worryingly, some of these also make a close approach to Earth. NASA tracks such asteroids and categorizes them as potentially hazardous or non-hazardous objects depending on their size and proximity to the planet. Now, a new study says that an asteroid can hit Earth in the next 159 years. Considering that an asteroid caused the extinction of dinosaurs some 65 million years ago, this is shocking news. Now, the prediction of an asteroid collision in the near future is scary. Know what the expert says about this asteroid impact. Asteroid set to hit Earth in 159 yearsAccording to an Echo Live report, University College Cork (UCC) Astrophysics Professor Bertram Bitsch has said that there is a chance of an asteroid named B...
Asteroid 2023 QD2 speeding toward Earth at terrifying speed!

Asteroid 2023 QD2 speeding toward Earth at terrifying speed!

[ad_1] Are you aware that there are various space objects existing in our solar system that can be a potential threat to Earth? Asteroids are the most worrisome of them all. Asteroids are the space rocks that orbit around the Sun. Because of their erratic orbits, they can threaten Earth. That is why the monitoring and tracking of asteroids that stray near Earth is extremely important. NASA tracks and monitors asteroids in order to prevent any potential danger to Earth. Whenever NASA's telescopes observe a new Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA), astronomers measure its positions in the sky and report them to the Minor Planet Center.Now, NASA is tracking one such asteroid named Asteroid 2023 QD2 that is speeding toward Earth. Learn more about this asteroid below. Asteroid 2023 QD2 approaching Eart...
100-mtr, 1000-mtr Asteroid impact chances and consequences-all in brief

100-mtr, 1000-mtr Asteroid impact chances and consequences-all in brief

[ad_1] What will a 100-mtr, or a 1000-mtr Asteroid strike on Earth do? What are the chances of a strike by these monster rocks? Find out Asteroids are astonishing space rocks, literally, in the sky that fly around in specific orbits and sometime come very close to Earth. Needless to say, their potential for destruction make all space agencies in the world, as well as amateur astronomers, keep a constant watch on the skies above for a rare sighting. Yes, the sightings by the huge number of telescopes around the Earth as well as in space, are many. Surprisingly, new, never-seen-before, ones keep coming very frequently and are promptly catalogued. The really dangerous ones are those that come from the direction of the Sun as they cannot be easily sighted as the glare makes it impo...
What if the dinosaurs hadn’t been wiped out by an asteroid?

What if the dinosaurs hadn’t been wiped out by an asteroid?

[ad_1] An asteroid wiped out the asteroids and if that had not happened, our world might look very different. Sixty-six million years ago, an asteroid hit the Earth with the force of 10 billion atomic bombs and changed the course of evolution. The skies darkened and plants stopped photosynthesising. The plants died, then the animals that fed on them. The food chain collapsed. Over 90% of all species vanished. When the dust settled, all dinosaurs except a handful of birds had gone extinct.But this catastrophic event made human evolution possible. The surviving mammals flourished, including little proto-primates that would evolve into us. Imagine the asteroid had missed, and dinosaurs survived. Picture highly evolved raptors planting their flag on the moon. Dinosaur scientists, discover...
150-foot Asteroid heading for Earth, just days after HORROR asteroid HITS planet, says NASA

150-foot Asteroid heading for Earth, just days after HORROR asteroid HITS planet, says NASA

[ad_1] Horrifyingly, an asteroid actually hit Earth, NASA revealed. Now, NASA has alerted about a 150-foot-wide asteroid heading this way. Horrifyingly, just hours before an asteroid strike on Earth, NASA realised it was on a collision course with Earth and would hit for sure. The asteroid strike, on November 19, caused skies over southern Ontario, Canada, to light up brightly as astonished people looked on. The asteroid that hit Earth was named 2022 WJ1. Thankfully, it didn't harm anyone, but NASA scientists informed that it "streaked across the sky high in Earth's atmosphere, broke up, and likely scattered small meteorites over the southern coastline of Lake Ontario." Surprising fact? The asteroid was detected just three and a half an hour before impact. Reason for the fortunate end...
140-foot Asteroid heading for Earth, just days after HORROR asteroid HITS planet, says NASA

140-foot Asteroid heading for Earth, just days after HORROR asteroid HITS planet, says NASA

[ad_1] Horrifyingly, an asteroid actually hit Earth, NASA revealed. Now, NASA has alerted about a 140-foot-wide asteroid heading this way. Horrifyingly, just hours before an asteroid strike on Earth, NASA realised it was on a collision course with Earth and would hit for sure. The asteroid strike, on November 19, caused skies over southern Ontario, Canada, to light up brightly as astonished people looked on. The asteroid that hit Earth was named 2022 WJ1. Thankfully, it didn't harm anyone, but NASA scientists informed that it "streaked across the sky high in Earth's atmosphere, broke up, and likely scattered small meteorites over the southern coastline of Lake Ontario." Surprising fact? The asteroid was detected just three and a half an hour before impact. Reason for the fortunate end...