Tag: asteroid earth NASA

Asteroid big as a bus coming towards Earth today! Blitzing its way at 24959 kmph

Asteroid big as a bus coming towards Earth today! Blitzing its way at 24959 kmph

[ad_1] NASA has warned about this perilous asteroid, which will come extremely close to Earth today. An asteroid coming towards Earth has been dubbed as potentially hazardous by the US space agency NASA. While a huge number of asteroids pass far away from Earth, there are many which come too close to the planet and these are then dubbed as being hazardous objects. The entire process is decided by the size of the asteroid as well as the close approach to Earth and that is what has happened to the asteroid today.To determine the potential threat from an asteroid or near-Earth object, NASA keeps a close eye on all the upcoming objects such as asteroids and even comets. Now, asteroid 2022 XD has been spotted approaching the Earth. It is 40-foot asteroid, but it will make a terrifyingly cl...
1300-foot asteroid rushing towards Earth today; Space rock is a horror in size and speed

1300-foot asteroid rushing towards Earth today; Space rock is a horror in size and speed

[ad_1] A giant 1300-foot-sized asteroid is hurtling towards Earth at a terrifying speed of 103833 km per hour. Here’s what NASA experts say about this monster rock. There are a lot of asteroids that NASA scientists track on a daily basis. Even the current known asteroid count is 1113527. But do asteroids hit the Earth? Sadly, the answer is yes! Just a couple of weeks ago, NASA spotted an asteroid just three hours before it actually hit Earth. Thankfully, it didn't harm anyone, but NASA scientists informed that it "streaked across the sky high in Earth's atmosphere, broke up, and likely scattered small meteorites over the southern coastline of Lake Ontario." Another relieving fact is that the asteroid was just roughly 1 meter (3 feet) wide. So, if this small asteroid can grab so much a...
Triple Terror! 3 giant asteroids coming towards Earth today; NASA reveals speed and more

Triple Terror! 3 giant asteroids coming towards Earth today; NASA reveals speed and more

[ad_1] NASA has warned about three potentially hazardous asteroids, one of which measures a massive 140-foot in size, that are coming towards Earth. Know what NASA says. Some asteroids surprise astronomers and come out of nowhere to hit Earth as happened just a few days ago. This asteroid was discovered just a few hours before impact. Thankfully, the undetected asteroid was too small in size to cause any serious impact and it ended up raining a few meteorites on Canada as most of it burned up in the atmosphere. However, that might not be the case every time! You must have heard tales about the infamous Chicxulub asteroid that caused massive destruction on Earth around 66 million years ago. This is the asteroid that ended the era of the dinosaurs. And that is why the fear of asteroids ...
150-foot Asteroid heading for Earth, just days after HORROR asteroid HITS planet, says NASA

150-foot Asteroid heading for Earth, just days after HORROR asteroid HITS planet, says NASA

[ad_1] Horrifyingly, an asteroid actually hit Earth, NASA revealed. Now, NASA has alerted about a 150-foot-wide asteroid heading this way. Horrifyingly, just hours before an asteroid strike on Earth, NASA realised it was on a collision course with Earth and would hit for sure. The asteroid strike, on November 19, caused skies over southern Ontario, Canada, to light up brightly as astonished people looked on. The asteroid that hit Earth was named 2022 WJ1. Thankfully, it didn't harm anyone, but NASA scientists informed that it "streaked across the sky high in Earth's atmosphere, broke up, and likely scattered small meteorites over the southern coastline of Lake Ontario." Surprising fact? The asteroid was detected just three and a half an hour before impact. Reason for the fortunate end...
140-foot Asteroid heading for Earth, just days after HORROR asteroid HITS planet, says NASA

140-foot Asteroid heading for Earth, just days after HORROR asteroid HITS planet, says NASA

[ad_1] Horrifyingly, an asteroid actually hit Earth, NASA revealed. Now, NASA has alerted about a 140-foot-wide asteroid heading this way. Horrifyingly, just hours before an asteroid strike on Earth, NASA realised it was on a collision course with Earth and would hit for sure. The asteroid strike, on November 19, caused skies over southern Ontario, Canada, to light up brightly as astonished people looked on. The asteroid that hit Earth was named 2022 WJ1. Thankfully, it didn't harm anyone, but NASA scientists informed that it "streaked across the sky high in Earth's atmosphere, broke up, and likely scattered small meteorites over the southern coastline of Lake Ontario." Surprising fact? The asteroid was detected just three and a half an hour before impact. Reason for the fortunate end...
Speedy asteroid heading for Earth today! NASA says its travelling at a fiery 23852 kmph

Speedy asteroid heading for Earth today! NASA says its travelling at a fiery 23852 kmph

[ad_1] This speedy asteroid could make its way towards Earth as soon as today! Check out what NASA says about this space rock. After a number of asteroids passed very close to Earth earlier this week, another dangerous space rock could pass by today as we move into the new week. Asteroids have been responsible for some of the biggest events in history. From the Chelyabinsk disaster that claimed many lives to the meteor which caused the extinction of dinosaurs millions of years ago, whenever asteroids have crashed on Earth, they have impacted lives.NASA keeps a watch on these asteroids by studying data collected by various telescopes and observatories such as the Pan-STARRS, the Catalina Sky Survey and the NEOWISE telescope. While some of this tech is in the sky, other is Earth-based. ...
3280-foot monster asteroid heading towards Earth; Check out this terrifying planet-killer

3280-foot monster asteroid heading towards Earth; Check out this terrifying planet-killer

[ad_1] Asteroid 2022 AP7, which measures 1-2 km (3280.84 feet is equal to 1 km) in diameter poses a huge threat to Earth. Is there a chance this terrifying asteroid will hit? In a critically important development, the constant quest to detect dangerous asteroids that are heading towards Earth has just borne fruit. A terrifying asteroid has been found. Scientists have encountered a planet-killer monster asteroid, which can be lethal for our planet! Scott Sheppard of the Carnegie Institution for Science and his team of colleagues have observed, not just one, but 3 asteroids, one of which is said to be a ‘planet-killer' and it has been named Asteroid 2022 AP7. The most worrying part is that it is the largest potentially hazardous asteroid found in the last eight years, measuring between ...
Scary! 48-foot Asteroid hurtling towards Earth, says NASA; will come terrifyingly close

Scary! 48-foot Asteroid hurtling towards Earth, says NASA; will come terrifyingly close

[ad_1] Asteroid 2022 VL1 is hurtling towards Earth at an astonishing speed of 31306 kmph. Should you worry? Know what NASA says. Planet-killer asteroids careen around the solar system, in the neighbourhood of the Earth, almost on a daily basis. To determine the potential danger from these space wanderers, scientists constantly hunt for any sizable ones that may pose a threat to Earth. Already, NASA has built up a massive database of thee asteroids called near-Earth objects (NEOs). The idea is to find the asteroid that may be heading straight for a collision course with the Earth. And the endeavour is to keep a constant eye on all these asteroids in order to quickly find out if any one of them has had a slight deviation from its orbit and is now getting dangerously close to Earth. NASA...
110-foot asteroid terror coming near Earth tomorrow! NASA reveals blistering speed

110-foot asteroid terror coming near Earth tomorrow! NASA reveals blistering speed

[ad_1] NASA has warned about a massive 110-foot wide asteroid zooming towards Earth. Know the danger. Asteroids are too small to support life and they cannot hold onto any kind of atmosphere. How small are they? NASA says that the collective mass of all the asteroids in the Solar System is even less than the mass of our Moon! But these tiny leftovers of the early Solar System can be deadly in case they hit the Earth they can create havoc. In fact, if big enough, they can even be called planet killers. The danger unfortunately, never goes away and now NASA has revealed that a massive asteroid is zooming towards Earth at a blistering speed of 21549 km per hour, CNEOS data mentioned.NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), which keeps an eye on all the near-Earth objects in space has info...
100-foot asteroid dashing towards Earth at 29520 kmph tomorrow, says NASA

100-foot asteroid dashing towards Earth at 29520 kmph tomorrow, says NASA

[ad_1] A 100-foot asteroid is zooming towards Earth tomorrow. Should you worry about it? Know what NASA says. You may have heard many reports of upcoming asteroids that pose a serious danger to the Earth. But did you know that these asteroids are relatively small inactive bodies composed of rocky, dusty, and metallic materials, which orbit around the Sun. Most of them are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. However, there are some monster rocks that follow paths that circulate into the inner solar system which also include the near-Earth asteroids. These are the main dangers that keep NASA scientists in active mode all the time to assess how hazardous these asteroids really are- in short, will they come too close to Earth, will they crash into it, or just fly by.Notably, one...