Tag: asteroid approach

Bus-sized asteroid to pass Earth by a close margin, says NASA; Know speed, size and more

Bus-sized asteroid to pass Earth by a close margin, says NASA; Know speed, size and more

[ad_1] Throughout the first two months of 2024, we have witnessed multiple asteroid approaches to Earth. However, the last few days broke this trend, with no asteroid passing the planet. Normality is expected to resume tomorrow as yet another asteroid has been designated to pass the planet in close proximity. These close approaches occur when an asteroid interacts with a large planet's gravitational field, which can send it tumbling towards a planet, raising a potential impact scenario. With the help of its advanced tech, the US Space Agency has shed light on another asteroid that is set to pass Earth tomorrow, March 7.Asteroid 2024 EH: Details of close approachNASA says this asteroid has been designated as Asteroid 2024 EH by the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), an organiz...
Mammoth 350-foot asteroid set to pass Earth today, says NASA! Know how close it will get

Mammoth 350-foot asteroid set to pass Earth today, says NASA! Know how close it will get

[ad_1] As many as two asteroids passed Earth yesterday in close proximity. One of them was nearly 120 feet wide, which is nearly the size of an aircraft! Despite their close approaches, these asteroids did not pose a threat to Earth and had no chance of impact. But how do these space rocks come close to the planet? NASA says this happens due to the interaction with a large planet's gravitational field, which can send the tumbling towards a planet, raising a potential impact scenario. With the help of its advanced tech, the US Space Agency has shed light on another asteroid that is set to pass Earth today, February 29.Asteroid 2024 CA7: Details of close approachNASA says this asteroid has been designated as Asteroid 2024 CA7 by the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), an organiz...
59-foot asteroid set to pass Earth today! Know speed, size, and more

59-foot asteroid set to pass Earth today! Know speed, size, and more

[ad_1] NASA has revealed that an asteroid is on its way and its orbit could bring it close to Earth today, November 1. October was filled with multiple asteroid approaches, and it seems like November will continue this trend. The asteroid, given the designation of Asteroid 2023 UZ3, is set to pass the planet today. This space rock was spotted by NASA's Defense Coordination Office (PDCO), which is responsible for monitoring the skies and keeping a watch on various Near-Earth Objects (NEOs), using various space and ground-based telescopes such as NEOWISE telescope, Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), Pans-STARRS1 and Catalina Sky Survey.The space agency has a suite of advanced tech equipment used for observing and monitoring Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) such as asteroids, co...
Building-sized asteroid to get as close as 7.3mn km to Earth; Check speed, size and more

Building-sized asteroid to get as close as 7.3mn km to Earth; Check speed, size and more

[ad_1] NASA, with the help of its advanced ground and space-based telescopes such as NEOWISE telescope, Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), Pans-STARRS1 and Catalina Sky Survey, has tracked a mammoth asteroid whose orbit will bring it very close to Earth today. As per the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), an asteroid, given the designation of Asteroid 2023 TW6, is on its way toward Earth and could pass the planet at a distance of approximately 7.3 million kilometers. Know all the details about the asteroid's close approach.Asteroid 2023 TW6: Speed, size, and moreThis Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA) is expected to make its closest approach to the planet at a speed of about 88007 kilometers per hour which is much faster even a space shuttle! It is important to note ...
Potentially Hazardous Asteroid to pass Earth today! NASA reveals details

Potentially Hazardous Asteroid to pass Earth today! NASA reveals details

[ad_1] An asteroid is on its way and its orbit could bring it close to Earth today, resulting in a close approach, NASA has revealed. The asteroid, given the designation of Asteroid 2020 FM6, is set to pass the planet today, October 23. This space rock was spotted by NASA's Defense Coordination Office (PDCO), which is responsible for monitoring the skies and keeping a watch on various Near-Earth Objects (NEOs). The space agency has a suite of advanced tech equipment used for observing and monitoring Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) such as asteroids, comets, and more.The asteroid will pass the planet by a distance of approximately 5.9 million kilometers, and is already speeding at 57099 kilometers per hour, which is even faster than a hypersonic ballistic missile! Other detailsNASA has declare...
Asteroid 2022 CX1 danger looming! Close approach today at 47471 kmph

Asteroid 2022 CX1 danger looming! Close approach today at 47471 kmph

[ad_1] Just like Earth, NASA's Near-Earth Object Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) completes its trip around the Sun every 12 months. Images are captured by the survey telescope throughout its journey, which are then stitched together to form a sky-map, according to NASA. This sky-map shows the positions and the brightness of millions of celestial objects in space. With the help of this sky-map and other ground and space-based telescopes, NEOWISE also helps scientists keep an eye on asteroids which may potentially threaten to impact the Earth.NASA has now issued an asteroid warning for a similar asteroid which is heading for Earth and could make its closest approach as soon as today. Asteroid 2022 CX1 detailsNASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office has issued an alert a...
NASA warns of 190-foot asteroid rushing towards Earth, reveals top speed, trajectory

NASA warns of 190-foot asteroid rushing towards Earth, reveals top speed, trajectory

[ad_1] A humongous 190-foot asteroid is heading towards Earth and it could make a close approach as soon as today! Is there cause for worry? How close will it get? NASA's Near-Earth Object Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) completes its trip around the Sun every 12 months, like Earth. The survey telescope takes images throughout its journey which are then stitched together to form a sky-map, according to NASA. This sky-map shows the positions and the brightness of millions of celestial objects in space. NEOWISE also helps scientists keep a watch for any asteroids which could potentially impact the Earth. And new ones are being found frequently. NASA has now issued an asteroid warning for an asteroid which is heading for Earth today.Asteroid 2019 AY3 detailsNASA's Planetary...