Tag: asteroid 2023 NP

NASA telescopes track 65-foot asteroid approaching Earth at breakneck speed

NASA telescopes track 65-foot asteroid approaching Earth at breakneck speed

[ad_1] Asteroids are described as ancient space rocks left over from the early formation of our solar system around 4.6 billion years ago. These objects pass Earth occasionally at safe distances. NASA has carried out several missions to these rocks to study them up close. While the DART Test was in the news last year as the first-ever planetary defense test, the space agency also carried out missions like Dawn, OSIRIS-REx, and Hayabusa2.The purpose of these missions is to study asteroids, minimize any uncertainties around their dangers and determine whether we could extract resources from them in the future. Research on asteroids is critical since it can provide valuable information on the early stages of the solar system and planetary development. Furthermore, these celestial bodies mi...