Tag: asteroid 2023 JD4

Double asteroid whammy! NASA telescopes track two 120-foot space rocks hurtling towards Earth

Double asteroid whammy! NASA telescopes track two 120-foot space rocks hurtling towards Earth

[ad_1] Asteroids are remnants from the early formation of our solar system. They revolve mainly in the asteroid belt, a region located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. But these space rocks can also be found outside the asteroid belt and they can come in very close to Earth. This can potentially be hazardous if they strike! NASA has a number of telescopes in space and on the ground and these have caught two perilous 120-foot asteroids nearing Earth today. Based on data from CNEOS, the first asteroid, named 2023 JK, is approximately 120-foot in size, similar to the size of an airplane, and is travelling at a swift speed of 33,420 kilometers per hour. The second space rock known as asteroid 2023 JD4, shares the same size and it too is rapidly approaching Earth at a speed of 37,141 ...