Tag: Asteroid 2015 AK1

NASA says 160-foot asteroid will pass Earth today; Check speed, distance, and more

NASA says 160-foot asteroid will pass Earth today; Check speed, distance, and more

[ad_1] In a new development, NASA's Defense Coordination Office (PDCO), responsible for monitoring the skies and watching various Near-Earth Objects (NEOs), has shed light on an asteroid that will pass Earth closely today, January 15. The asteroid was discovered and tracked using NASA's advanced instruments such as the NEOWISE telescope, Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), Pans-STARRS1, and Catalina Sky Survey. Know all about the asteroid's close approach to Earth such as its speed, size, distance of approach, and more.Asteroid 2015 AK1: Speed, size, distance, and moreAccording to NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), the space rock has been designated Asteroid 2015 AK1. It is expected to pass Earth at a distance of approximately 6 million kilometers. It ...