Tag: ash gourd benefits

5 Reasons Why Ash Gourd Water Makes The Perfect Body Cleanser During Winter

5 Reasons Why Ash Gourd Water Makes The Perfect Body Cleanser During Winter

[ad_1] Most of you are surely aware of what ash gourd or winter melon is. Popularly referred to as 'petha' in Hindi, it is a seasonal vegetable, widely used to prepare a popular Indian sweet in the name (petha). But did you know that ash gourd is also used to make sabzis and chutneys, especially in the Eastern and Southern regions of India? That's not all. It is consumed as a health food too. You heard us. Ash gourd is packed with various healthy ingredients that make it a very common seasonal food used in various detox drinks, juices, and more. Here, we will talk about ash gourd water that makes for a perfect drink to cleanse your body.What Is Ash Gourd Water? What Makes It A Popular Health Drink?Now, you must be wondering what ash gourd water is. It is the juice of raw ash gourd that c...
The Morning Ritual You Need For A Healthy And Happy Day: Ash Gourd Juice

The Morning Ritual You Need For A Healthy And Happy Day: Ash Gourd Juice

[ad_1] How do you start your day? With caffeine or with a healthy drink? We all have read and heard how we should begin our day on a healthy note - not with tea or coffee, but with a nutritious option like herbal water, spice water or juice. Ash Gourd Juice is one of the best options to include in your morning routine. It is a powerhouse of goodness that's here to elevate your mornings and set the tone for a fantastic day. Even Mira Kapoor enjoys ash gourd juice as a part of her diet. What Is Ash Gourd Juice?First things first, what exactly is Ash Gourd? Ash Gourd, also known as white Petha in India, is a fruit that belongs to the gourd family. It's known for its mild flavour and high water content, making it a perfect ingredient for fresh juice.Also Read: Drinking This Cardamom Water Ma...
Foods For Better Digestion: Here’s Why And How You Should Consume White Pumpkin

Foods For Better Digestion: Here’s Why And How You Should Consume White Pumpkin

[ad_1] It is important to take constant care of your digestive health. Many of us suffer from indigestion, bloating, acidity, constipation and other problems. There are many home remedies for these issues. But one of the most important steps you can take is to be mindful of your diet. It is crucial to choose the right fruits, veggies and spices so that you can promote long-term gut health. You don't have to opt for fancy or expensive ingredients. Many simple, everyday veggies and locally available produce are powerhouses of the nutrients you need. One such example is ash gourd or safed petha. This particular vegetable is also known by other names like white pumpkin, wax gourd or winter melon. This veggie is perhaps best known as the main ingredient of petha, a white-coloured sweet from N...
What Is Winter Melon? What Does It Taste Like? Health Benefits Of Winter Melon

What Is Winter Melon? What Does It Taste Like? Health Benefits Of Winter Melon

[ad_1] Winter melon, or safed petha, is a nutritious vegetable mainly native to India, China and other regions of Southeast Asia. You will find winter melon (also known as ash gourd) in various Indian and Chinese delicacies, from stews and salads to even curries. In other words, there is no limit to the ways you can have this humble veggie. But what does winter melon taste like? It is both delicious and healthy and has a neutral taste like cucumber when it is young. However, the sweetness fades a little when it is matured but still remains juicy and crispy. Did you know ash gourd is composed of water that constitutes almost 96 percent?! What's even more interesting is that it's packed with countless health benefits. It's believed that ash gourd has nutritional and medicinal properties. I...