Tag: artificial intelligence risk

Is a Terminator-style AI apocalypse inevitable? Know what shocking research says

Is a Terminator-style AI apocalypse inevitable? Know what shocking research says

[ad_1] Artificial intelligence (AI) has captured the world's attention, especially since ChatGPT came to life last November. Since then, generative AI has been a rapidly developing field with new advancements announced every single day. Technologies such as virtual assistants, speech and voice recognition programs, and machine learning are ingrained in the programs we use on a daily basis, helping us without even us noticing. Take the film ‘Her' for example, where an AI virtual assistant helped Joaquin Phoenix combat loneliness. However, it's not all sunshine and rainbows, as arguments have been made regarding the consequences of AI's meteoric rise especially if it is not kept in check. The current risks of AI involve technology taking over jobs, making humans lazy and even swaying elec...
AI ‘Will Cause Real Damage,’ Microsoft Chief Economist Warns

AI ‘Will Cause Real Damage,’ Microsoft Chief Economist Warns

[ad_1] Artificial intelligence will be dangerous in the hands of unscrupulous people, according to Microsoft Corp. Chief Economist Michael Schwarz.“I am confident AI will be used by bad actors, and yes it will cause real damage,” Schwarz said during a World Economic Forum panel in Geneva on Wednesday. “It can do a lot damage in the hands of spammers with elections and so on.” AI “clearly” must be regulated, he said, but lawmakers should be cautious and wait until the technology causes “real harm.” Artificial intelligence tools have come under increased scrutiny as their use exploded in recent months following the debut of ChatGPT. Policymakers are trying to pressure companies to implement safeguards around the emerging technology.“Once we see real harm, we have to ask ourselves the simp...