Tag: artificial intelligence impact

India ranks 49th in IMD’s World Digital Competitiveness Ranking

India ranks 49th in IMD’s World Digital Competitiveness Ranking

[ad_1] The International Institute for Management Development (IMD) has today published the 2023 World Digital Competitiveness Ranking (WDCR), in which India ranks 49th among 64 economies. According to IMD's study, India has made significant in terms of cybersecurity knowledge but lacks on fronts like technology and future readiness. IMD's World Digital Competitiveness Ranking offers insights into how various nations are navigating digital transformation in the era of artificial intelligence (AI). Essentially, it sheds light on the essential elements that contribute to a nation's genuine digital prowess —a crucial quality as the impact of this technology continues to reshape society. The leading economies in this year's ranking are akin to "digital nations," implying countries that acti...
AI likely to augment rather than destroy jobs: UN study

AI likely to augment rather than destroy jobs: UN study

[ad_1] Artificial Intelligence is more likely to augment jobs than to destroy them, a UN study indicated on Monday, at a time of growing anxiety over the potential impact of the technology.The launch in November of the generative AI platform ChatGPT, which is capable of handling complex tasks on command, was seen as a tech landmark foreshadowing a potentially dramatic transformation of the workplace. But a fresh study from the United Nations' International Labour Organization (ILO) examining the potential effect of that and other platforms on job quantity and quality suggests that most jobs and industries are only partially exposed to automation. Most are "more likely to be complemented rather than substituted by the latest wave of Generative AI, such as ChatGPT", the ILO said."Therefor...
AI Is Rewriting the Rules of $200 Billion Games Industry

AI Is Rewriting the Rules of $200 Billion Games Industry

[ad_1] Executives and politicians across the world worry about the havoc that next-generation artificial intelligence will wreak on industries from finance to health-care. For the $200 billion games sector, the revolution has already begun.From San Francisco to Tokyo and Hong Kong, the plethora of companies that power the digital entertainment sphere are responding to decades of escalating costs and stagnant prices by feverishly adopting and developing new AI tools. Hundreds of thousands of jobs are on the line. Yet company leaders and studio chiefs told Bloomberg News that the changes, while inevitable and painful, can empower smaller studios, boost creativity and ultimately benefit gamers around the world. The head of one major Japanese studio is preparing for a future where half his ...
AI impact: From agriculture, healthcare to military, know how the world could change

AI impact: From agriculture, healthcare to military, know how the world could change

[ad_1] Beginning in 1765 through the present day, there have been four industrial revolutions in history. At the end of the 18th century, the world's economy shifted from agriculture to industry with the emergence of coal. Around a century later, electricity, oil, and gas came around and resulted in major technological advancements, such as the Internal Combustion Engine, telephone, and more. The Third Industrial Revolution, which occurred around the 1960s, introduced the world to Nuclear Energy, computers, and space expeditions. And finally, the fourth industrial revolution came around in the year 2000 when digital technology began to rise, and mankind started to explore renewable sources of energy. For the last few years, another revolution has been brewing which could change the worl...