Tag: Artemis 3

From sparking powerful solar storms to causing forest fires, know the dangers of solar winds

From sparking powerful solar storms to causing forest fires, know the dangers of solar winds

[ad_1] Solar winds have been part of the reason behind the recent series of solar storms that have struck the Earth in the last couple of weeks. They either sparked solar storm incidents or amplified an active storm. But often, we tend to overlook its potential to cause damage when compared to solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CME). However, as per NASA officials and research papers, these stellar winds are capable of not only sparking solar storms but also triggering forest fires, and damaging spacecraft, potentially putting the lives of astronauts in danger.What are solar winds?Solar winds are not winds since space is entirely vacuum and air does not exist there. These ‘winds' are powerful waves of plasma that are created in the corona of the Sun. They contain both solar partic...
Life on our Moon! NASA scientist points towards astonishing mystery

Life on our Moon! NASA scientist points towards astonishing mystery

[ad_1] In contrast to Earth's vibrant ecosystems, the moon has long been perceived as a barren and lifeless celestial body, devoid of water and signs of vitality. However, one NASA scientist believes there is more to the moon than meets the eye.According to Prabal Saxena, a planetary scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre, microbial life could persist in the severe circumstances found on the moon. "Relatively protected areas on airless bodies may harbour potentially habitable niches for such life," Saxena explained, as reported by Space.com. The source of this life is astonishing. If such moon bacteria exist, they most likely originated on Earth and travelled to the moon on a lunar lander!While Saxena primarily studies the potential existence of extraterrestrial life outside ou...
China aims to have astronauts on moon by 2030

China aims to have astronauts on moon by 2030

[ad_1] The space race to Moon has been getting intense. NASA has already planned a crewed mission to Moon, Artemis 3, for 2023. The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) also has its Chandrayaan-3 mission planned for July 12. And now, China has announced its ambitious plans of sending astronauts to the Moon before 2030 and expand the country's orbiting space station as well.“We have a complete near-Earth human space station and human round-trip transportation system," complemented by a process for selecting, training and supporting new astronauts. A schedule of two crewed missions a year is "sufficient for carrying out our objectives,” Deputy Director of the Chinese Manned Space Agency Lin Xiqiang told reporters at the rare briefing by the military-run program. China gears up to sen...