Tag: apple lawsuit

Apple Faces Billionaire Khosla in Goliath v. Goliath Tech Suits

Apple Faces Billionaire Khosla in Goliath v. Goliath Tech Suits

[ad_1] There's an unwritten rule for technology startups: Never challenge Apple in court if you want to survive.The world's most valuable company has a track record of success in a long string of David versus Goliath battles over cutting-edge, life-changing technologies. But billionaire Vinod Khosla is no lightweight. He's one of Silicon Valley's most celebrated venture capitalists, and he's used to playing long odds on the startups he backs. Khosla Ventures LLC put itself on a collision course with Apple Inc. when it moved into the personal health and fitness space a decade ago and invested in AliveCor, a maker of cardiac monitoring devices and software. What might have been a big partnership opportunity for AliveCor in the years following the release of the Apple Watch in 2015, to off...
Italy probes Apple over app market dominance

Italy probes Apple over app market dominance

[ad_1] Italy's antitrust regulator said Thursday it has opened an investigation into tech giant Apple for allegedly abusing a dominant position in the app market.At issue is Apple's App Tracking Transparency policy that compels third party developers to secure an opt-in from iPhone users to track their usage for advertising and other purposes. The policy, launched two years ago, blew a hole in Facebook's revenue and caused a tremor in the online advertising market as many users chose to disallow tracking. According to the Italian authority, the Silicon Valley titan "has adopted a more restrictive privacy policy for third-party app developers than it applies to itself", the competition watchdog said in a statement.It said it was also concerned third-party developers and advertisers were ...
Apple fights $2 billion London lawsuit for ‘throttling’ millions of iPhones

Apple fights $2 billion London lawsuit for ‘throttling’ millions of iPhones

[ad_1] Apple Inc urged a London tribunal on Tuesday to block a $2 billion mass lawsuit accusing it of hiding defective batteries in millions of iPhones by "throttling" them with software updates.The tech giant is facing a lawsuit worth up to 1.6 billion pounds plus interest, brought by consumer champion Justin Gutmann on behalf of iPhone users in the United Kingdom. Gutmann's lawyers argued in court filings that Apple concealed issues with batteries in certain phone models and "surreptitiously" installed a power management tool that limited performance. Apple said in written arguments that the lawsuit is "baseless" and strongly denies its iPhones' batteries were defective, apart from in a small number of iPhone 6s models for which it offered free battery replacements.The company also sa...
Apple Wins Epic Court Battle While Ceding Ground on App Store

Apple Wins Epic Court Battle While Ceding Ground on App Store

[ad_1] Apple Inc. notched another victory in its long-running court battle to block Epic Games Inc. from breaking down barriers in the App Store, but the iPhone maker's moneymaking fortress remains under siege.Years of complaints from app developers and scrutiny from governments globally have already forced Apple to rewrite some of the rules protecting its dominance in the $160 billion app distribution marketplace — and more changes are on the way. But the overall impact on Apple's bottom line and hold on the App store is likely limited, with the fees it charges not changing. While Epic, the maker of the popular Fortnite game, on Monday lost an appeals court fight to lift Apple's ban on third-party app marketplaces on its operating system, the intense pressure coming from rivals includi...
Apple wins appeal against UK’s decision to investigate its mobile browser

Apple wins appeal against UK’s decision to investigate its mobile browser

[ad_1] Apple Inc won its appeal against the decision by Britain's antitrust regulator to launch an investigation into its mobile browser and cloud gaming services, the Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) ruled on Friday.Regulator the Competition and Market Authority (CMA) opened a full investigation in November into the dominance of Apple and Alphabet Inc's Google in mobile browsers, and the possibility of the iPhone maker restricting the cloud gaming market through its app store. Apple argued that the CMA had "no power" to launch such a probe because it did so too late. Its lawyer Timothy Otty said earlier this month that the market investigation should have been opened last June at the same time the CMA published a report on mobile ecosystems, which found the two tech giants had an "eff...
Apple Sued by Ex-Patent Attorney Over Discrimination, Harassment

Apple Sued by Ex-Patent Attorney Over Discrimination, Harassment

[ad_1] A former top Apple Inc. patent attorney says she was unlawfully fired by the iPhone maker after complaining about being abused by a male colleague, including receiving death threats, with whom she was romantically involved. A former top Apple Inc. patent attorney says she was unlawfully fired by the iPhone maker after complaining about being abused by a male colleague, including receiving death threats, with whom she was romantically involved. Jayna Richardson Whitt sued Apple in California claiming the company retaliated against her after it became aware of her “domestic abuse victim status” by denying her opportunities for higher-level positions and thwarting her career growth. She's seeking unspecified compensation for economic losses and emotional distress. Apple didn'...
Apple should face 6 million euro fine, adviser to French privacy watchdog says

Apple should face 6 million euro fine, adviser to French privacy watchdog says

[ad_1] Apple should face a 6 million euro ($6.3 million) fine for breach of privacy rules. Apple should face a 6 million euro ($6.3 million) fine for breach of privacy rules, the top adviser to French data protection authority's sanction body recommended on Monday. CNIL's sanction body is free to ignore the rapporteur's recommendations, but these typically carry a lot of weight regarding the watchdog's final decision. The rapporteur, Francois Pellegrini, made his recommendation after an investigation by the authority, itself triggered by a complaint filed last year by lobby group France Digitale. In the complaint, the lobby, which represents the bulk of France's digital entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, alleged that iPhone maker Apple's former operating software, iOS 14, d...