Tag: Apple fitness tracking

Apple Has Plans to Eventually, Maybe Revolutionize Health Care

Apple Has Plans to Eventually, Maybe Revolutionize Health Care

[ad_1] In 2011, a startup called Avolonte Health set up shop in a small office park in Palo Alto, California. The company operated out of a bland, two-story building bristling with security cameras. Engineers interviewing for jobs there weren't even told what they'd be working on. Once new hires made their way into the lab, however, they learned that they would be trying to revolutionize diabetes care.Avolonte wasn't just any health-care company. It was a project of Apple Inc., and its mission came directly from Steve Jobs. Apple's co-founder and then-chief executive officer, ill with the pancreatic cancer that would take his life near the end of that year, had tasked a group of his key executives to develop a noninvasive blood sugar monitor. It would be a potentially life-changing tech...