Tag: Apple co-founder

Steve Wozniak says AI may make scams, misinformation harder to spot

Steve Wozniak says AI may make scams, misinformation harder to spot

[ad_1] Ever since Artificial Intelligence (AI) grabbed public attention, as well as those of businesses and authorities, it has been both praised and reviled in equal measure. It comes with a lot of advantages and useful services to offer along with a fair share of cons too. Recently in an interview with BBC, Apple co-founder, along with the iconic Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak has spoken on the problems AI can bring. One of the problems he is most worried about is that AI can make detecting scams and misinformation difficult.Along with Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Wozniak also signed a letter in the month of March 2023 calling for pause in the development of AI models. Speaking to the BBC, Wozniak spoke on the benefits and problems of AI. Wozniak warned that AI content should be clearly labelled, ...
AI to Kill Off Humanity? The Aliens Have Landed, and We Created Them

AI to Kill Off Humanity? The Aliens Have Landed, and We Created Them

[ad_1]  It is not every day that I read a prediction of doom as arresting as Eliezer Yudkowsky's in Time magazine last week. “The most likely result of building a superhumanly smart AI, under anything remotely like the current circumstances,” he wrote, “is that literally everyone on Earth will die. Not as in ‘maybe possibly some remote chance,' but as in ‘that is the obvious thing that would happen.' … If somebody builds a too-powerful AI, under present conditions, I expect that every single member of the human species and all biological life on Earth dies shortly thereafter.”Do I have your attention now? Yudkowsky is not some random Cassandra. He leads the Machine Intelligence Research Institute, a nonprofit in Berkeley, California, and has already written extensively on the question o...