Tag: Apple chatbot

Apple AI Tool: How it can impact your iPhone

Apple AI Tool: How it can impact your iPhone

[ad_1] Apple is said to be secretly developing its generative AI tool with plans for a significant AI-related announcement next year, according to a Bloomberg report. While the implications for current Apple devices, especially the iPhone, might not be immediately evident, the possibility of Apple delving into generative AI and chatbots is generating excitement among fans who have been waiting for a real game-changer iPhone for a long time.The internal chatbot, that many are referring to as Apple GPT, is currently intended solely for employee experimentation and won't likely be available for consumers. However, the new framework, dubbed Ajax, used to create large language models, could pave the way for exciting AI advancements, as per the Techradar reports. Here are five potential ways ...
Hey Apple, Where Are Your Chatbots?

Hey Apple, Where Are Your Chatbots?

[ad_1] As Microsoft Corp., Alphabet Inc., and — now — Amazon.com Inc. blaze ahead in the race to deploy advanced chatbots like ChatGPT, one rival remains nowhere to be seen. Apple Inc. may be biding its time for the technology to mature, as it often does, yet waiting too long could also put the iPhone maker in a position where it's hard to catch up.AI is not new to the Cupertino-based company. Its Siri voice assistant, using speech recognition and machine learning to understand a request and execute a solution, was released 12 years ago. It also bought music-recognition app Shazam and personalized magazine creator Texture, both of which were incorporated into Apple's ecosystem. Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook told investors in February that AI would be a 'major focus' for Apple and cit...