Tag: ancient pizza

A Slice Of History: Painting Discovered In Pompeii Ruins Looks Exactly Like Pizza

A Slice Of History: Painting Discovered In Pompeii Ruins Looks Exactly Like Pizza

[ad_1] Have you ever wondered where your favourite foods are originally from? We all love to relish our most-loved comfort foods every now and then. For instance, we certainly cannot resist a wood-fired pizza or a plate of piping-hot momos. But when it comes to the history of these foods and how they came into existence, we are pretty much clueless. Now, an ancient food painting discovered in the ruins of Pompeii in Rome has offered some insight into how the first pizza may have come about into existence. A fresco has been found on the wall of a house in Pompeii and it depicts what pizza's first ancestor may have looked like. Check it out:According to Italy's Culture Ministry, a fresco that depicts what might be an ancestor of the Italian pizza was found on the wall of a house in the anc...