Tag: almonds

5 Spices That’ll Make Your Roasted Almonds The Life Of The Party!

5 Spices That’ll Make Your Roasted Almonds The Life Of The Party!

[ad_1] Crunchy and delightful, roasted almonds make for an amazing snack when you want to binge eat. According to health experts, almonds are an excellent source of nutrients like Vitamin E, Vitamin B2, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. It's Shaadi season, and we're sure you must have received bulk almonds as gifts. The simple solution to incorporating more almonds into your diet would be to roast them slightly and munch on them all day long. However, if you want to amp up your bland roasted almonds, why not add a little flavour? Are you confused about which ones to add? Then fret not! We have compiled a list of 5 spices to enhance the flavour of your roasted almonds.Also Read: Peeling Almonds Made Easy: 5 Game-Changing Hacks You Need to TryCumin can add a delectable taste to your ro...
5 Belly-Friendly Treats That Won’t Sabotage Your Weight Loss Goals

5 Belly-Friendly Treats That Won’t Sabotage Your Weight Loss Goals

[ad_1] If you are planning to lose weight, there are two main aspects of your lifestyle to focus on - diet and exercise. Talking about diet, many people on a weight loss journey realize that they unnecessarily snack throughout the day, especially on calorie-dense foods like cookies, chips, chocolates, etc. Getting rid of this habit is the right move in managing your weight. However, this is easier said than done. If you were mindlessly snacking before, now that you stop consciously, you might be craving snacks more.Worry not; here is a list of some healthy foods that will satisfy your urge to snack while helping in weight loss. What's more, all these foods have anti-inflammatory properties. This is beneficial, as inflammation in the body can hinder your weight loss efforts.According to H...
Stock Up These 5 Must-Have Dry Fruits In Winter And Enjoy Rewards Of Up To 20%. See How

Stock Up These 5 Must-Have Dry Fruits In Winter And Enjoy Rewards Of Up To 20%. See How

[ad_1] Dry fruits are a treasure trove of nutrients. While it is essential to eat them year-round, it becomes even more important to do so during winter. The chilly weather outside can easily weaken our immunity, and this is when dry fruits come to our rescue. From almonds and walnuts to figs and dates, you must stock your pantry with all of them. They will not only help keep you healthy, but they are also an ideal option for healthy snacking. We suggest you buy them from MORE, as you can also earn exciting rewards in return. How? If you use the NDTV Big Bonus App, you will receive gift coupons on your purchases and up to 20% in rewards on the app. Download the NDTV Big Bonus App from the App Store or Google Play, register on the app, and link your bank cards to earn these rewards. Don't...
Peeling Almonds Made Easy: 5 Game-Changing Hacks You Need to Try

Peeling Almonds Made Easy: 5 Game-Changing Hacks You Need to Try

[ad_1] Almonds - nature's tiny treasures packed with flavour, nutrients, and endless culinary possibilities. Whether enjoyed as a snack, crushed for smoothies, or sliced to adorn desserts, almonds offer us numerous reasons to incorporate them into our diet. And the manifold health benefits they deliver hardly require further elaboration. However, let's face it - peeling almonds can often present quite a challenge! Fear not, for we've compiled a collection of ingenious hacks that will empower you to peel almonds with the finesse of a seasoned chef. While the process of peeling almonds may demand a bit of time, the resulting smooth and creamy texture is well worth the effort. Explore these fail-proof methods for effortlessly peeling almonds.Also Read: What's The Best Way To Eat Almonds? Wi...
Egg Allergy? Try These 5 Nutrient-Rich Substitutes For A Delicious And Healthy Diet

Egg Allergy? Try These 5 Nutrient-Rich Substitutes For A Delicious And Healthy Diet

[ad_1] Have it as curry, bhurji, or omelette, eggs make for a wholesome meal any time of the day. They are versatile and provide almost every essential nutrient for healthy living. Eggs contain protein, vitamins, calcium and iron among others, all of which come together to fulfil your daily nutritional needs in the most delicious way possible. That's why experts suggest having at least one egg a day to maintain a balanced diet. But did you know there is a significant number of people who avoid eggs in their meals? No, we are not talking about those on a plant-based diet. Some people are allergic to eggs. Yes, you heard us right. For some individuals, the protein in eggs acts as a foreign invader, triggering various types of allergies. What do they do then? Do they give up on all the esse...
Is It Okay To Eat Almonds During Summer? Pros And Cons You Must Know

Is It Okay To Eat Almonds During Summer? Pros And Cons You Must Know

[ad_1] Be it for healthy skin or strong memory, the elders at home have always resorted to the goodness of almonds. Also referred to as 'badam' in Hindi, the nut has been a popular choice for all since time immemorial. Why? It is because of the rich nutrient profile and culinary versatility of almond. The nut contains adequate amount of fibre, protein, iron, magnesium and other essential properties that help benefit our overall health. Besides it has various usages too. You would find people including almonds to different dishes for that added crunch in their meal. However, the discourse around almonds can be controversial, with various mysteries swirling around the healthy food ingredient. So much so that it often gets difficult to differentiate between facts and fiction. One such facto...
What Happens When You Eat Almonds Every Day? Nutritionist Reveals

What Happens When You Eat Almonds Every Day? Nutritionist Reveals

[ad_1] Almonds, owing to their nutritional value, have been an integral part of the Indian diet for centuries. They are healthy, crunchy and a delight to much on. These tear-shaped nuts can be consumed in a variety of ways. From whipping up healthy smoothies to garnishing salads and desserts - almonds are used in different ways in every household. But most of us also have a habit of eating them plain or soaked overnight. In a recent Instagram post, celebrity nutritionist Lovneet Batra revealed the impact of consuming almonds every day. Wondering whether it is good or bad for you? Find out more below. Also Read: Eating Almonds Before Meals May Help Improve Blood Sugar Levels: StudyShould You Eat Almonds Every Day?We have some good news for you: eating almonds daily is a healthy practice. ...
Eating Almonds Before Meals May Help Improve Blood Sugar Levels: Study

Eating Almonds Before Meals May Help Improve Blood Sugar Levels: Study

[ad_1] For most of us, it's a common practice to start our day with a handful of soaked almonds. These crunchy delights are a treasure trove of essential nutrients and help promote overall health. Almonds are a great source of protein, antioxidants and other essential nutrients such as vitamin E, magnesium, calcium and potassium. Different studies around the world have found that almonds are good for heart health, digestion, immunity, eyes and so much more. Adding to the benefits, two new research studies have found that eating almonds before meals may help regulate blood sugar levels for Indians with prediabetes and obesity.  Also read: Why Soaked Almonds are Better Than Raw AlmondsThe first study conducted over three days was published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition and ...
Heart Health: Almonds May Help Manage Cholesterol; 5 Ways To Eat Almonds

Heart Health: Almonds May Help Manage Cholesterol; 5 Ways To Eat Almonds

[ad_1] Let's admit, there's a reason why health experts advocate having almonds every day. They are crunchy and nutty and make for a perfect snack option throughout the year. Considered a superfood, almonds are loaded with essential nutrients like fibre, vitamin E and more that benefit our overall health. In fact, the nut does wonders with its fat content. It helps lose weight, boosts immunity, promotes skin health and more. But did you know it is considered great for heart health too? As per studies, the fat content in almonds helps boost the levels of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) in the body, further promoting a healthy heart.Is Almond Good For Heart? | How Can Almond Lower LDL Cholesterol?:Almond is the storehouse of cholesterol-lowering mono-unsaturated fatty acids like oleic a...
Eating Almonds Daily May Help Improve Gut Health: Study

Eating Almonds Daily May Help Improve Gut Health: Study

[ad_1] Rich, crunchy and nutty - almonds are not just delicious, but are packed with various health benefitting properties. According to health experts, almonds are rich in protein, vitamins, antioxidants and other essential nutrients that help promote overall health. In fact, different studies from across the world have found that almonds are good of eyes, skin, heart health and also boost immunity. Adding to the benefits, a recent study has found that snacking on almonds is good for your gut health too. The findings of the study were published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.For the study, the researchers at King's College London analysed 87 healthy adults, who consumed low amount of fibre and "snacked on processed foods like chocolate and crisps". These people were divid...