Tag: alien spacecraft

Carl Sagan detected life on Earth 30 years ago – here’s how his experiment is helping us search for alien species today

Carl Sagan detected life on Earth 30 years ago – here’s how his experiment is helping us search for alien species today

[ad_1]  It's been 30 years since a group of scientists led by Carl Sagan found evidence for life on Earth using data from instruments on board the Nasa Galileo robotic spacecraft. Yes, you read that correctly.Among his many pearls of wisdom, Sagan was famous for saying that science is more than a body of knowledge – it is a way of thinking. In other words, how humans go about the business of discovering new knowledge is at least as important as the knowledge itself. In this vein, the study was an example of a “control experiment” – a critical part of the scientific method. This can involve asking whether a given study or method of analysis is capable of finding evidence for something we already know. We are now on WhatsApp. Click to join.Suppose one were to fly past Earth in an alien sp...
Physicist who found spherical meteor fragments claims they may come from an alien spaceship

Physicist who found spherical meteor fragments claims they may come from an alien spaceship

[ad_1] Avi Loeb, a physicist from Harvard University in the US, has recovered 50 tiny spherical iron fragments from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean that he claims may be material from an interstellar alien spaceship.Loeb is linking his finding with the passage of a fireball in January 2014. The meteor was observed by sensors of the US Department of Defense that track all objects entering the Earth's atmosphere. It was recorded as travelling faster than most meteors and eventually broke up over the South Pacific Ocean near Papua New Guinea. at a on the object is held by Nasa's Centre for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS). The meteor's official name is CNEOS 20140108, and is also referred to as IM1 (for interstellar meteor). There is a very large scientific leap from observing a fireball ...
US Government hiding ‘UFO evidence’, whistleblower claims backed by Congressman

US Government hiding ‘UFO evidence’, whistleblower claims backed by Congressman

[ad_1] A US Congressman, Tim Burchett, believes in a whistleblower's claims that the government is covering up evidence of alien spacecraft (UFO). The whistleblower, David Charles Grusch, a former analyst at the Department of Defense, stated in an interview that the government possesses physical evidence of intact and partially intact alien vehicles but is withholding it from Congress, the Metro reports.Representative Burchett supports the whistleblower's claims and suggests that the government has been hiding such evidence since the infamous Roswell incident in 1947, and possibly even earlier. He believes that the government is deliberately concealing information, pointing out that many witnesses, including qualified pilots and astronauts, have come forward with their own experiences. ...