Tag: Alan Turing

The UK’s AI summit is taking place at Bletchley Park, the wartime home of codebreaking and computing

The UK’s AI summit is taking place at Bletchley Park, the wartime home of codebreaking and computing

[ad_1] The United Kingdom is hosting the AI Safety Summit, bringing politicians, computer scientists and tech executives to a site chosen for its symbolism: Bletchley Park, synonymous with codebreaking and the birth of computing. During World War II, a group of mathematicians, cryptographers, crossword puzzlers, chess masters and other experts gathered at the Victorian country house 45 miles (72 kilometers) northwest of London to wage a secret war against Nazi Germany. Their goal: cracking Adolf Hitler's supposedly unbreakable codes.Bletchley Park's most famous feat was outwitting Germany's Enigma encryption machine, which produced a constantly changing cipher and was widely considered unbreakable. To crack it, mathematician Alan Turing — building on work done by Polish codebreakers — d...
Alan Turing awardee Yann LeCun says fears of AI threatening humanity are “preposterously ridiculous”

Alan Turing awardee Yann LeCun says fears of AI threatening humanity are “preposterously ridiculous”

[ad_1] The debate around the regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) is at an all-time high as the European Union passed the AI Regulation bill on Wednesday. For months, many prominent people like Elon Musk and Sam Altman as well as two of the three Godfathers of AI, Yoshua Bengio and Geoffrey Hinton, have been protesting the unprecedented rise of AI and have called for government regulation in space raising concerns of a superintelligent AI causing the extinction of humanity. However, the third Godfather of AI, Yann LeCun, has shunned these fears and has called them “preposterously ridiculous”.Professor LeCun also won the Alan Turing Award in 2018 along with Hinton and Bengio, and they are collectively regarded as the Godfathers of AI. However, LeCun has a different opinion on AI th...