Tag: AI unemployment

OpenAI chief seeks to calm fears on job losses

OpenAI chief seeks to calm fears on job losses

[ad_1] The boss of OpenAI, the firm behind the massively popular ChatGPT bot, said on Friday that his firm's technology would not destroy the job market as he sought to calm fears about the march of artificial intelligence (AI).Sam Altman, on a global tour to charm national leaders and powerbrokers, said in Paris that AI would not -- as some have warned -- wipe out whole sectors of the workforce through automation. "This idea that AI is going to progress to a point where humans don't have any work to do or don't have any purpose has never resonated with me," he said. Asked about the media industry, where several outlets already use AI to generate stories, Altman said ChatGPT should instead be like giving a journalist 100 assistants to help them research and come up with ideas.ChatGPT bu...
Italy allocates funds to shield workers from AI replacement threat

Italy allocates funds to shield workers from AI replacement threat

[ad_1] Italy on Monday earmarked 30 million euros ($33 million) to improve the skills of unemployed people as well as those workers whose jobs could be most at risk from the advance of automation and artificial intelligence. According to the Fondo per la Repubblica Digitale (FRD), set up in 2021 by the Rome government to boost the digital skills of Italians, 54% of those aged 16-74 lack basic digital skills, compared with an average 46% in the European Union. The funding in improving training will be allocated in two ways, FRD said. Of the total, 10 million euros will go towards boosting the skills of those whose jobs are at high risk of being replaced due to automation and technological innovation. The remaining 20 million euros will be allocated to help unemployed and economically i...
AI poses Asteroid-like threat? MIT prof likens artificial intelligence to meteorite collision with Earth

AI poses Asteroid-like threat? MIT prof likens artificial intelligence to meteorite collision with Earth

[ad_1] The rise of artificial intelligence has been a subject of debate ever since OpenAI introduced its generative AI bot ChatGPT in November 2022. Everyone, from enthusiasts, experts to regulators have all been trying to understand what this unprecedented advancement of AI technology could mean for humanity. The concern is that if AI is allowed to progress without any checks and balances, a plethora of issues such as unemployment, data privacy, biases in decision-making, and more can appear. Recently, an MIT professor has tried to explain this phenomenon by comparing the rise of AI with an asteroid that is headed for the Earth.The MIT professor in question is Max Tegmark, a physicist, cosmologist, and machine learning researcher. Due to his diverse field of knowledge, he has made an i...
Evil intelligence! 5 big AI DANGERS that can really hurt you badly

Evil intelligence! 5 big AI DANGERS that can really hurt you badly

[ad_1] In many ways, the introduction of OpenAI's ChatGPT and other GPT-based tools have become a watershed moment for technology. Now, artificial intelligence can not just understand basic commands and respond to it, it can also think and generate diverse sets of information and give solutions to problems. This makes AI powerful, perhaps too powerful for the good of humanity. And a lot of people are raising their voices around this concern. Recently, Future of Life Institute started a petition to pause all AI activities till a better regulation framework can be created. Some of the notable signatories include Elon Musk, Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak, Turing Award-winning AI pioneer Yoshua Bengio among others. So, what exactly are the risks people are worried about? Check the 5 threats ...