Tag: AI risk

Artificial intelligence raises risk of extinction, experts say in new warning

Artificial intelligence raises risk of extinction, experts say in new warning

[ad_1] Scientists and tech industry leaders, including high-level executives at Microsoft and Google, issued a new warning Tuesday about the perils that artificial intelligence poses to humankind.“Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war,” the statement said. Sam Altman, CEO of ChatGPT maker OpenAI, and Geoffrey Hinton, a computer scientist known as the godfather of artificial intelligence, were among the hundreds of leading figures who signed the statement, which was posted on the Center for AI Safety's website. Worries about artificial intelligence systems outsmarting humans and running wild have intensified with the rise of a new generation of highly capable AI chatbots such as ChatGPT...
AI ‘Will Cause Real Damage,’ Microsoft Chief Economist Warns

AI ‘Will Cause Real Damage,’ Microsoft Chief Economist Warns

[ad_1] Artificial intelligence will be dangerous in the hands of unscrupulous people, according to Microsoft Corp. Chief Economist Michael Schwarz.“I am confident AI will be used by bad actors, and yes it will cause real damage,” Schwarz said during a World Economic Forum panel in Geneva on Wednesday. “It can do a lot damage in the hands of spammers with elections and so on.” AI “clearly” must be regulated, he said, but lawmakers should be cautious and wait until the technology causes “real harm.” Artificial intelligence tools have come under increased scrutiny as their use exploded in recent months following the debut of ChatGPT. Policymakers are trying to pressure companies to implement safeguards around the emerging technology.“Once we see real harm, we have to ask ourselves the simp...
Evil intelligence! 5 big AI DANGERS that can really hurt you badly

Evil intelligence! 5 big AI DANGERS that can really hurt you badly

[ad_1] In many ways, the introduction of OpenAI's ChatGPT and other GPT-based tools have become a watershed moment for technology. Now, artificial intelligence can not just understand basic commands and respond to it, it can also think and generate diverse sets of information and give solutions to problems. This makes AI powerful, perhaps too powerful for the good of humanity. And a lot of people are raising their voices around this concern. Recently, Future of Life Institute started a petition to pause all AI activities till a better regulation framework can be created. Some of the notable signatories include Elon Musk, Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak, Turing Award-winning AI pioneer Yoshua Bengio among others. So, what exactly are the risks people are worried about? Check the 5 threats ...