Tag: AI Powered remote

EU’s AI rules: How do they work and will they affect people everywhere? 4 questions answered

EU’s AI rules: How do they work and will they affect people everywhere? 4 questions answered

[ad_1]  European Union officials worked into the late hours last week hammering out an agreement on world-leading rules meant to govern the use of artificial intelligence in the 27-nation bloc. The Artificial Intelligence Act is the latest set of regulations designed to govern technology in Europe destined to have global impact.Here's a closer look at the AI rules: WHAT IS THE AI ACT AND HOW DOES IT WORK? The AI Act takes a “risk-based approach" to products or services that use artificial intelligence and focuses on regulating the uses of AI rather than the technology. The legislation is designed to protect democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights like freedom of speech, while still encouraging investment and innovation. The riskier an AI application is, the stiffer the rules. ...