Tag: ai jobs

AI Is Rewriting the Rules of $200 Billion Games Industry

AI Is Rewriting the Rules of $200 Billion Games Industry

[ad_1] Executives and politicians across the world worry about the havoc that next-generation artificial intelligence will wreak on industries from finance to health-care. For the $200 billion games sector, the revolution has already begun.From San Francisco to Tokyo and Hong Kong, the plethora of companies that power the digital entertainment sphere are responding to decades of escalating costs and stagnant prices by feverishly adopting and developing new AI tools. Hundreds of thousands of jobs are on the line. Yet company leaders and studio chiefs told Bloomberg News that the changes, while inevitable and painful, can empower smaller studios, boost creativity and ultimately benefit gamers around the world. The head of one major Japanese studio is preparing for a future where half his ...
Job loss? AI’s rapid spread is sparking more fear than anything else

Job loss? AI’s rapid spread is sparking more fear than anything else

[ad_1] The impact on employment of the rapid spread of Artificial Intelligence is limited so far, but the potential for the technology to substitute jobs is significant, and workers are increasingly worried about their future, an OECD study showed.Early adopters of AI are reluctant to fire staff, and it can improve working lives by helping with tedious and dangerous tasks, according to the survey of 2,000 employers and 5,300 workers in manufacturing and finance across seven OECD countries. The organization said the world economy is at the very early stages of AI adoption, however, and that the potential for job destruction is still large, partly because all industries and occupations are exposed. Three-in-five workers are worried about losing their jobs entirely in the next decade, and ...
AI jobs loss: No techies in future and ChatGPT on every phone WITHOUT Internet, says Stability AI CEO

AI jobs loss: No techies in future and ChatGPT on every phone WITHOUT Internet, says Stability AI CEO

[ad_1] There are many debates about ChatGPT and the most virulent ones is on AI jobs loss potential. Experts believe that AI has the potential to revolutionize various fields and will reduce human intervention totally. However, that will cause mass scale job losses with even techies likely to feel the negative effect. And this is the case at the moment when we are yet to utilize its full potential.No need for Techies!Recently, Stability AI CEO, Emad Mostaque, in a Moonshots and Mindset podcast with Peter H. Diamandis, stated that in the next five years, no human programmers will be required as AI can itself generate high-value codes by itself. As ChatGPT is also involved, it will also help the tech industry to write codes and can write various content with full authenticity and accuracy...
Microsoft announces free Generative AI skill training course to empower learners

Microsoft announces free Generative AI skill training course to empower learners

[ad_1] In a bid to facilitate better understanding of artificial intelligence (AI), Microsoft has unveiled a new AI skill initiative as part of its Skills for Jobs program. Teaming up with LinkedIn, the tech giant has launched a new learning pathway that offers free introductory generative AI courses, aimed at equipping workers with essential AI knowledge and fostering responsible AI frameworks. Successful completion of the coursework will reward participants with a valuable Career Essentials certificate, making it an attractive opportunity for those seeking a professional certification in Generative AI.The significance of AI talent is on the rise globally, and India has emerged as a frontrunner, boasting the second-largest AI talent pool in the world. Remarkably, it leads in both AI sk...
5 things about AI you may have missed today: EU AI laws face pushback, Microsoft’s new AI course, more

5 things about AI you may have missed today: EU AI laws face pushback, Microsoft’s new AI course, more

[ad_1] Today was a big day in the world of artificial intelligence. As European Union has begun finalizing the redrafted AI laws, many companies have begun sharing concerns and urging the EU to reconsider the policies. In separate news, Microsoft has launched a new AI skills initiative, a free course, across the globe through which it intends to help people understand how to use the potential of AI. This and more in today's AI roundup. Let us take a closer look.Top companies raise alarm over the EU AI lawsMany big business leaders are opposing the EU's proposed legislation on AI, suggesting that it restricts competitiveness and can harm the growth of this new technology and cause an exodus of investors out of Europe. In an open letter sent to the EU, that has hundreds of signatories inc...
Master generative AI for lucrative jobs with these free courses

Master generative AI for lucrative jobs with these free courses

[ad_1] In the world of super advanced technology, Generative AI is the latest trend, and major companies like Google, AWS, Microsoft, and Infosys want everyone to have the chance to learn and benefit from it. Recognising that most people are new to generative AI, these companies have taken the responsibility to offer free courses that help individuals upgrade their skills and apply them in their jobs.According to the World Economic Forum, AI skills are among the top priorities for companies' training strategies, along with analytical and creative thinking. It's important to remember that AI won't replace you, but those who know how to use AI effectively will be in high demand. If AI can help work get done faster, there's no reason to be hesitant about embracing it. Understanding AI can ...
US-based generative AI job postings up 20% in May- data

US-based generative AI job postings up 20% in May- data

[ad_1] Generative AI-related job postings in the United States jumped about 20% last month as companies look to harness a technology that has been widely touted as the next big growth driver, according to data from job portal Indeed.The May figure, at 204 per million job postings, was also more than double the 2021 level and underscored the buzz around AI, sparked by the runaway success of OpenAI's ChatGPT. Data scientist roles made up 5% of the AI job postings on Indeed's U.S. platform, while roles such as software engineer, machine learning engineer and data engineer were also in demand. "There has been a notable increase in job seeker interest in AI-related jobs, especially since the introduction of ChatGPT," said Nick Bunker, director of economic research at Indeed.The jump comes at...
AI chatbots to conduct job interviews? Take a peek at the future

AI chatbots to conduct job interviews? Take a peek at the future

[ad_1] Artificial intelligence (AI) is a widely talked about, yet a polarizing topic these days. While we're witnessing its application in our day-to-day lives, debates about its merits and demerits continue. Recently, AI tools for designing rooms, editing pictures, and even writing exams have emerged. While people in search of potential jobs are also using these technologies to build their resumes, job interviews might soon be conducted by an AI chatbot itself. AI interviews - A reality soon?According to a report by ZDNet, employers might soon leverage artificial intelligence on their side and it will be used to conduct job interviews by 2024. The report is based on a survey conducted by Resume Builder which found that 43 percent of companies already have or plan to adopt AI interviews...
No caution! Nvidia CEO says those without AI expertise will be left behind

No caution! Nvidia CEO says those without AI expertise will be left behind

[ad_1] Firms and individuals should familiarize themselves with artificial intelligence or risk losing out, according to Nvidia Corp. co-founder and Chief Executive Officer Jensen Huang.Huang, whose chip design company reached an all-time high Friday fueled by huge demand from AI service providers, gave a commencement address on Saturday saying the new technology will transform the corporate landscape and change every single job. “Agile companies will take advantage of AI and boost their position. Companies less so will perish,” the CEO told graduating students at the National Taiwan University in Taipei. “While some worry that AI may take their jobs, someone who's expert with AI will.” The technology, thrust into the popular consciousness by OpenAI's ChatGPT late last year, will be use...
AI-Threatened Jobs Are Mostly Held by Women, Study Shows

AI-Threatened Jobs Are Mostly Held by Women, Study Shows

[ad_1] While artificial intelligence is seeding upheaval across the workforce, from screenwriters to financial advisors, the technology will disproportionately replace jobs typically held by women, according to human resources analytics firm Revelio Labs.“The distribution of genders across occupations reflects the biases deeply rooted in our society, with women often being confined to roles such as administrative assistants and secretaries,” said Hakki Ozdenoren, economist at Revelio Labs. “Consequently, the impact of AI becomes skewed along gender lines.” Revelio Labs identified jobs that are most likely to be replaced by AI based on a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research. They then identified the gender breakdown of those jobs and found that many of them are generally hel...