Tag: AI future

WEF 2024: Sam Altman and Satya Nadella highlight the future impact of AI

WEF 2024: Sam Altman and Satya Nadella highlight the future impact of AI

[ad_1] The World Economic Forum (WEF 2024) at Davos has been going on with full force with various tech CEOs attending the event including OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. On Tuesday Altman discussed about the future of AI and said it was an energy guzzler and that its future would be secure only if we get an energy breakthrough. Additionally, Microsofit's Satya Nadella also talked about the impact of AI in science. Know what the two tech giants said about Artificial intelligence (AI).Sam Altman and Satya Nadella at DavosThe WEF 2024 commenced on January 15, 2024, and on the second day the most known faces of the tech industry, Sam Altman and Satya Nadella highlighted what the future of AI would look like. While we talk about AI, currently it's in its very initial ...
AI future could be ‘open-source’ or closed. Tech giants are divided as they lobby regulators

AI future could be ‘open-source’ or closed. Tech giants are divided as they lobby regulators

[ad_1] Tech leaders have been vocal proponents of the need to regulate artificial intelligence, but they're also lobbying hard to make sure the new rules work in their favor.That's not to say they all want the same thing. Facebook parent Meta and IBM on Tuesday launched a new group called the AI Alliance that's advocating for an “open science” approach to AI development that puts them at odds with rivals Google, Microsoft and ChatGPT-maker OpenAI. These two diverging camps — the open and the closed — disagree about whether to build AI in a way that makes the underlying technology widely accessible. Safety is at the heart of the debate, but so is who gets to profit from AI's advances.Open advocates favor an approach that is “not proprietary and closed,” said Darío Gil, a senior vice pres...
AI jobs loss: No techies in future and ChatGPT on every phone WITHOUT Internet, says Stability AI CEO

AI jobs loss: No techies in future and ChatGPT on every phone WITHOUT Internet, says Stability AI CEO

[ad_1] There are many debates about ChatGPT and the most virulent ones is on AI jobs loss potential. Experts believe that AI has the potential to revolutionize various fields and will reduce human intervention totally. However, that will cause mass scale job losses with even techies likely to feel the negative effect. And this is the case at the moment when we are yet to utilize its full potential.No need for Techies!Recently, Stability AI CEO, Emad Mostaque, in a Moonshots and Mindset podcast with Peter H. Diamandis, stated that in the next five years, no human programmers will be required as AI can itself generate high-value codes by itself. As ChatGPT is also involved, it will also help the tech industry to write codes and can write various content with full authenticity and accuracy...