Tag: AI data privacy

ChatGPT Risks Divide Biden Administration Over EU’s AI Rules

ChatGPT Risks Divide Biden Administration Over EU’s AI Rules

[ad_1] Biden administration officials are divided over how aggressively new artificial intelligence tools should be regulated — and their differences are playing out this week in Sweden.Some White House and Commerce Department officials support the strong measures proposed by the European Union for AI products such as ChatGPT and Dall-E, people involved in the discussions said. Meanwhile, US national security officials and some in the State Department say aggressively regulating this nascent technology will put the nation at a competitive disadvantage, according to the people, who asked not to be identified because the information isn't public. This dissonance has left the US without a coherent response during this week's US-EU Trade and Technology Council gathering in Sweden to the EU'...
In global rush to regulate AI, Europe set to be trailblazer

In global rush to regulate AI, Europe set to be trailblazer

[ad_1] The breathtaking development of artificial intelligence has dazzled users by composing music, creating images and writing essays, while also raising fears about its implications. Even European Union officials working on groundbreaking rules to govern the emerging technology were caught off guard by AI's rapid rise.The 27-nation bloc proposed the Western world's first AI rules two years ago, focusing on reining in risky but narrowly focused applications. General purpose AI systems like chatbots were barely mentioned. Lawmakers working on the AI Act considered whether to include them but weren't sure how, or even if it was necessary. “Then ChatGPT kind of boom, exploded,” said Dragos Tudorache, a Romanian member of the European Parliament co-leading the measure. “If there was still...
AI poses Asteroid-like threat? MIT prof likens artificial intelligence to meteorite collision with Earth

AI poses Asteroid-like threat? MIT prof likens artificial intelligence to meteorite collision with Earth

[ad_1] The rise of artificial intelligence has been a subject of debate ever since OpenAI introduced its generative AI bot ChatGPT in November 2022. Everyone, from enthusiasts, experts to regulators have all been trying to understand what this unprecedented advancement of AI technology could mean for humanity. The concern is that if AI is allowed to progress without any checks and balances, a plethora of issues such as unemployment, data privacy, biases in decision-making, and more can appear. Recently, an MIT professor has tried to explain this phenomenon by comparing the rise of AI with an asteroid that is headed for the Earth.The MIT professor in question is Max Tegmark, a physicist, cosmologist, and machine learning researcher. Due to his diverse field of knowledge, he has made an i...