Tag: AI danger

ChatGPT-maker OpenAI CEO Sam Altman warns ‘misalignments’ could make artificial intelligence dangerous

ChatGPT-maker OpenAI CEO Sam Altman warns ‘misalignments’ could make artificial intelligence dangerous

[ad_1] The CEO of ChatGPT-maker OpenAI said Tuesday that the dangers that keep him awake at night regarding artificial intelligence are the “very subtle societal misalignments” that could make the systems wreak havoc.Sam Altman, speaking at the World Governments Summit in Dubai via a video call, reiterated his call for a body like the International Atomic Energy Agency to be created to oversee AI that's likely advancing faster than the world expects. “There's some things in there that are easy to imagine where things really go wrong. And I'm not that interested in the killer robots walking on the street direction of things going wrong," Altman said. "I'm much more interested in the very subtle societal misalignments where we just have these systems out in society and through no particul...
5 things about AI you may have missed today: Pope Francis warns of AI risks, Putin meets his AI double, more

5 things about AI you may have missed today: Pope Francis warns of AI risks, Putin meets his AI double, more

[ad_1] Today, December 14, there were some interesting reports coming from the artificial intelligence (AI) space. Ahead of the 57th anniversary of World Day of Peace, Pope Francis urged world leaders to ensure that progress made in developing AI tools “will ultimately serve the cause of human fraternity and peace”. In other news, Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared briefly lost for words when he met with an AI-generated version of himself. This and more in today's AI roundup. Let us take a closer look.Pope warns of AI dangerPope Francis, in his annual message for the World Day of Peace, calls on world leaders to ensure that advancements in AI contribute to human fraternity and peace, reports Vatican News. The message, centered on the theme 'Artificial Intelligence and Peace,' emp...
Google Deepmind Chief Calls Meta’s AI Criticisms ‘Preposterous’

Google Deepmind Chief Calls Meta’s AI Criticisms ‘Preposterous’

[ad_1] DeepMind co-founder Demis Hassabis hit back against criticisms from Meta Platforms Inc.'s chief AI scientist — who had criticized him and others in the industry for playing up the existential risks of the technology — calling them preposterous.Hassabis was responding to a post earlier this week from Meta's Yann LeCun, who said that some leaders were needlessly hyping doomsday scenarios and providing ammunition to those who want to ban open-source AI research and development. LeCun argued that that approach would put the control of future AI systems in the hands of just a few companies, which would be a “catastrophe.”  “We want to make sure we get the benefits of the innovation and the promise that the technology clearly holds,” Hassabis said in an interview on Bloomberg Televisio...
AI Study Says Stocks Already Pricing a Job-Replacement Premium

AI Study Says Stocks Already Pricing a Job-Replacement Premium

[ad_1] Trying to sort winners from losers as artificial-intelligence spreads through the economy? The stock market already is, and it goes way beyond Nvidia Corp. and Microsoft Corp.A trio of researchers say companies with workforces ripest for AI streamlining are doing something interesting in the market: beating it. Their study, “Generative AI and Firm Values,” by Andrea L. Eisfeldt and Gregor Schubert of the University of California Los Angeles and Miao Ben Zhang of the University of Southern California, is an attempt to quantify shock waves created by the release of the ChatGPT program. While the idea AI is driving equity returns isn't news to anyone who has watched the Nasdaq 100 surge 44% in 2023, the conclusions in the paper go further. They depict a market that beneath its surfa...
Is a Terminator-style AI apocalypse inevitable? Know what shocking research says

Is a Terminator-style AI apocalypse inevitable? Know what shocking research says

[ad_1] Artificial intelligence (AI) has captured the world's attention, especially since ChatGPT came to life last November. Since then, generative AI has been a rapidly developing field with new advancements announced every single day. Technologies such as virtual assistants, speech and voice recognition programs, and machine learning are ingrained in the programs we use on a daily basis, helping us without even us noticing. Take the film ‘Her' for example, where an AI virtual assistant helped Joaquin Phoenix combat loneliness. However, it's not all sunshine and rainbows, as arguments have been made regarding the consequences of AI's meteoric rise especially if it is not kept in check. The current risks of AI involve technology taking over jobs, making humans lazy and even swaying elec...
5 things about AI you may have missed today: OpenAI’s new ‘control’ AI team, Elon Musk praises China and more

5 things about AI you may have missed today: OpenAI’s new ‘control’ AI team, Elon Musk praises China and more

[ad_1] Developments in the field of artificial intelligence are happening at a rapid pace. OpenAI recently revealed that it was forming a team as a countermeasure against ‘superintelligent' AI that could arrive within a decade. On the other hand, Elon Musk lauded China's progress in artificial intelligence while issuing warnings against its dangers. Read more about this and other interesting developments that happened today in the world of artificial intelligence.1. OpenAI to form team to control “superintelligent” AI systemsThe growing concerns around AI have been giving even the founder of ChatGPT sleepless nights. OpenAI announced that it is forming a team led by its chief scientist Ilya Sutskever and one of the company's co-founders to control “superintelligent” AI systems. In a blo...
Will AI really destroy humanity?

Will AI really destroy humanity?

[ad_1] The warnings are coming from all angles: artificial intelligence poses an existential risk to humanity and must be shackled before it is too late.But what are these disaster scenarios and how are machines supposed to wipe out humanity? - Paperclips of doom - Most disaster scenarios start in the same place: machines will outstrip human capacities, escape human control and refuse to be switched off."Once we have machines that have a self-preservation goal, we are in trouble," AI academic Yoshua Bengio told an event this month.But because these machines do not yet exist, imagining how they could doom humanity is often left to philosophy and science fiction.Philosopher Nick Bostrom has written about an "intelligence explosion" he says will happen when superintelligent machines begin ...
OpenAI chief seeks to calm fears on job losses

OpenAI chief seeks to calm fears on job losses

[ad_1] The boss of OpenAI, the firm behind the massively popular ChatGPT bot, said on Friday that his firm's technology would not destroy the job market as he sought to calm fears about the march of artificial intelligence (AI).Sam Altman, on a global tour to charm national leaders and powerbrokers, said in Paris that AI would not -- as some have warned -- wipe out whole sectors of the workforce through automation. "This idea that AI is going to progress to a point where humans don't have any work to do or don't have any purpose has never resonated with me," he said. Asked about the media industry, where several outlets already use AI to generate stories, Altman said ChatGPT should instead be like giving a journalist 100 assistants to help them research and come up with ideas.ChatGPT bu...
Bad news for ChatGPT? IT minister reveals India’s plans to regulate AI

Bad news for ChatGPT? IT minister reveals India’s plans to regulate AI

[ad_1] The conversation around regulations in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining momentum. Earlier this year, the European Union stated that they were working on drafting a new AI policy that will bring generative AI such as ChatGPT and Google Bard under its ambit. On Tuesday, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman gave a testimony in front of the US Congress, highlighting the need to bring regulations to the AI space. And now, Union Electronics and IT Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw has also hinted at India's plans to formulate a similar framework. In an interview with The Times of India, the Union Minister said, “The whole world is looking at what should be the framework, and what should be the regulatory setup. In G7, all digital ministers (of G7 countries) are seriously concerned about w...
Biden meets Microsoft, Google CEOs on AI dangers

Biden meets Microsoft, Google CEOs on AI dangers

[ad_1] President Joe Biden attended a White House meeting with CEOs of top artificial intelligence companies, including Alphabet Inc's Google and Microsoft, on Thursday to discuss risks and safeguards as the technology catches the attention of governments and lawmakers globally.Generative artificial intelligence has become a buzzword this year, with apps such as ChatGPT capturing the public's fancy, sparking a rush among companies to launch similar products they believe will change the nature of work. Millions of users have begun testing such tools, which supporters say can make medical diagnoses, write screenplays, create legal briefs and debug software, leading to growing concern about how the technology could lead to privacy violations, skew employment decisions, and power scams and ...