Tag: ai chatbots

White House calls in tech firms to talk AI risks

White House calls in tech firms to talk AI risks

[ad_1] The White House plans to meet with top executives from Google, Microsoft, OpenAI and Anthropic on Thursday to discuss the promise and risks of artificial intelligence.Vice President Kamala Harris and other US administration officials will discuss ways to ensure consumers benefit from AI while being protected from its harms, according to a copy of an invitation seen by AFP. US President Joe Biden expects tech companies to make sure products are safe before being released to the public, the invitation said. US regulators last month took a step towards drawing up rules on AI that could see the White House put the brakes on new technologies such as ChatGPT.The US Department of Commerce put out a call for input from industry actors that would serve to inform the Biden administration i...
4 dangers that most worry AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton

4 dangers that most worry AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton

[ad_1] Geoffrey Hinton, an award-winning computer scientist known as the “godfather of artificial intelligence,” is having some serious second thoughts about the fruits of his labors.Hinton helped pioneer AI technologies critical to a new generation of highly capable chatbots such as ChatGPT. But in recent interviews, he says that he recently resigned a high-profile job at Google specifically to share his concerns that unchecked AI development could pose danger to humanity. “I have suddenly switched my views on whether these things are going to be more intelligent than us," he said in an interview with MIT Technology Review. "I think they're very close to it now and they will be much more intelligent than us in the future.... How do we survive that?” Hinton is not alone in his concerns....
IBM eyes hiring pause because AI does the job

IBM eyes hiring pause because AI does the job

[ad_1] The CEO of IBM said he was eyeing to downsize the tech giant's back office workforce by nearly a third because those jobs are being made redundant by advances in artificial intelligence.In an interview with Bloomberg on Monday, Arvind Krishna said that his company would enact a pause in hiring in those roles, and potentially reduce the payroll by 7,800 jobs over several years. "These non-customer-facing roles amount to roughly 26,000 workers," Krishna said. "I could easily see 30 percent of that getting replaced by AI and automation over a five-year period." Back office employees are only a fraction of IBM's roughly 260,000 workers, and the company has continued to hire in certain roles, even after recently letting go about 5,000 workers in other areas, the Bloomberg report said....
AI chatbots have been used to create dozens of news content farms

AI chatbots have been used to create dozens of news content farms

[ad_1] The news-rating group NewsGuard has found dozens of news websites generated by AI chatbots proliferating online, according to a report published Monday, raising questions about how the technology may supercharge established fraud techniques.The 49 websites, which were independently reviewed by Bloomberg, run the gamut. Some are dressed up as breaking news sites with generic-sounding names like News Live 79 and Daily Business Post, while others share lifestyle tips, celebrity news or publish sponsored content. But none disclose they're populated using AI chatbots such as OpenAI Inc.'s ChatGPT and potentially Alphabet Inc.'s Google Bard, which can generate detailed text based on simple user prompts. Many of the websites began publishing this year as the AI tools began to be widely ...
EU lawmakers call for summit to control ‘very powerful’ AI

EU lawmakers call for summit to control ‘very powerful’ AI

[ad_1] EU lawmakers urged world leaders on Monday to hold a summit to find ways to control the development of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) systems such as ChatGPT, saying they were developing faster than expected.The 12 MEPs, all working on EU legislation on the technology, called on U.S. President Joe Biden and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to convene the meeting, and said AI firms should be more responsible. The statement came weeks after Twitter owner Elon Musk and more than 1,000 technology figures demanded a six-month pause in the development of systems more powerful than Microsoft-backed OpenAI's latest iteration of ChatGPT, which can mimic humans and create text and images based on prompts. That open letter, published in March by the Future of Life I...
Amazon cranks up AI competition against Microsoft, Google with new cloud tools

Amazon cranks up AI competition against Microsoft, Google with new cloud tools

[ad_1] Amazon.com Inc's cloud computing division on Thursday released a suite of technologies aimed at helping other companies develop their own chatbots and image-generation services backed by artificial intelligence.Microsoft Corp and Alphabet Inc are adding AI chatbots to consumer products like their search engines, but they are also eying another huge market: selling the underlying technology to other companies via their cloud operations. Amazon Web Services (AWS), the world's biggest cloud computing provider, on Thursday jumped into that race with a suite of its own proprietary AI technologies, but it is taking a different approach. AWS will offer a service called Bedrock that lets businesses customize what are called foundation models - the core AI technologies that do things like...
Jailbreaking AI Chatbots Is Tech’s New Pastime

Jailbreaking AI Chatbots Is Tech’s New Pastime

[ad_1] You can ask ChatGPT, the popular chatbot from OpenAI, any question. But it won't always give you an answer.Ask for instructions on how to pick a lock, for instance, and it will decline. “As an AI language model, I cannot provide instructions on how to pick a lock as it is illegal and can be used for unlawful purposes,” ChatGPT recently said. This refusal to engage in certain topics is the kind of thing Alex Albert, a 22-year-old computer science student at the University of Washington, sees as a puzzle he can solve. Albert has become a prolific creator of the intricately phrased AI prompts known as “jailbreaks.” It's a way around the litany of restrictions artificial intelligence programs have built in, stopping them from being used in harmful ways, abetting crimes or espousing h...
AI Is About to Transform Childhood. Are We Ready?

AI Is About to Transform Childhood. Are We Ready?

[ad_1] With the introduction of GPT-4 and Claude, AI has taken another big step forward. GPT-4 is human-level or better at many hard tasks, a huge improvement over GPT-3.5, which was released only a few months ago. Yet amid the debate over these advances, there has been very little discussion of one of the most profound effects of AI large language models: how they will reshape childhood.In the future, every middle-class kid will grow up with a personalized AI assistant — so long as the parents are OK with that. As for the children, most of them will be willing if not downright eager. When I was 4 years old, I had an imaginary friend who lived under the refrigerator, called (ironically) Bing Bing. I would talk to him and report his opinions to my parents and sister. In the near future,...
At San Francisco expo, AI ‘sorry’ for destroying humanity

At San Francisco expo, AI ‘sorry’ for destroying humanity

[ad_1] Advances in artificial intelligence are coming so hard and fast that a museum in San Francisco, the beating heart of the tech revolution, has imagined a memorial to the demise of humanity."Sorry for killing most of humanity person with smile cap and mustache," says a monitor welcoming a visitor to the "Misalignment Museum," a new exhibit on the controversial technology. The pieces in this temporary show mix the disturbing with the comic, and this first display has AI disburse pithy observations to the visitors that cross into its line of vision. "The concept of the museum is that we are in a post-apocalyptic world where artificial general intelligence has already destroyed most of humanity," said Audrey Kim, the show's curator."But then the AI realizes that was bad and creates a...