Tag: AI algorithms

AI might help meet COP28 climate targets – but at what cost?

AI might help meet COP28 climate targets – but at what cost?

[ad_1]  When ants travel between their nest and a food discovery, the social insects deposit chemical pheromones along the trail to communicate with other ants making the trip.Before long, the shortest route has the strongest chemical signature, helping other ants learn to use it, said Tshilidzi Marwala, an artificial intelligence engineer and rector of United Nations University. The "ant-based algorithm" and other learning systems, studied by data scientists, are now being used to reduce inefficiencies in manufacturing processes - one way to cut planet-warming emissions. "Today we have ant-based artificial intelligence algorithms, because (they) are quite efficient," said Marwala, who is also a U.N. Under-Secretary General, in an interview at the COP28 U.N. climate summit in Dubai.From...
India warns Facebook, YouTube to enforce rules to deter deepfakes – sources

India warns Facebook, YouTube to enforce rules to deter deepfakes – sources

[ad_1]  India's government on Friday warned social media firms including Facebook and YouTube to repeatedly remind users that local laws prohibit them from posting deepfakes and content that spreads obscenity or misinformation, two sources told Reuters. The warning was conveyed by deputy IT minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar in a closed-door meeting where he said many companies had not updated their usage terms despite 2022 rules that prohibit content "harmful" to children, obscene or that "impersonates another person". It comes amid growing concerns over deepfakes - realistic yet fabricated videos created by artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms trained on online footage - which a top minister this week said this week India is drawing up rules to address.Chandrasekhar said the companies m...
US Won’t Lose Its AI Lead to China Anytime Soon, Inflection AI CEO Says

US Won’t Lose Its AI Lead to China Anytime Soon, Inflection AI CEO Says

[ad_1] China's tech sector is racing to gain ground on developing artificial intelligence technology, but Google DeepMind co-founder Mustafa Suleyman predicts the US will still be in the lead 10 years from now. “I'm pretty sure of that. The fundamentals in the US innovation ecosystem are unquestionably the best in the world,” said Suleyman, whose latest venture is Inflection AI, a startup valued at $4 billion. “Without doubt, Silicon Valley is leading the pack, and I think we'll continue to. I think we worry too much that we're going to sort of be dislodged from our podium position.”  We are now on WhatsApp. Click to join. Suleyman made the remarks during an interview for the latest episode of the Bloomberg Originals series AI IRL, available to stream now. US officials are particularly ...
Humans long way from building conscious machines, understanding consciousness, say neuroscientists

Humans long way from building conscious machines, understanding consciousness, say neuroscientists

[ad_1] We are a long way from building conscious machines, neuroscientists write in an opinion published in the journal Trends in Neurosciences.When we, humans, are interacting with AI systems such as ChatGPT, we consciously perceive the text the language model generates. The question is whether the language model also perceives our text when we prompt it, neuroscientists from Estonia, Germany, and Australia write. The authors argue that although the responses of these AI systems seem conscious, they are most likely not. First, they say, the inputs to language models lack the embodied, embedded information content characteristic of our sensory contact with the world around us.Second, the architectures of present-day AI algorithms are missing key features of the thalamocortical system (r...
Artificial Intelligence Is Booming—So Is Its Carbon Footprint

Artificial Intelligence Is Booming—So Is Its Carbon Footprint

[ad_1] Artificial intelligence has become the tech industry's shiny new toy, with expectations it'll revolutionize trillion-dollar industries from retail to medicine. But the creation of every new chatbot and image generator requires a lot of electricity, which means the technology may be responsible for a massive and growing amount of planet-warming carbon emissions. Microsoft Corp., Alphabet Inc.'s Google and ChatGPT maker OpenAI use cloud computing that relies on thousands of chips inside servers in massive data centers across the globe to train AI algorithms called models, analyzing data to help them “learn” to perform tasks. The success of ChatGPT has other companies racing to release their own rival AI systems and chatbots or building products that use large AI models to deliv...